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Forms & Filing

How to File

There are four ways to file your document with OAH:

1. eFiling:

All parties to Workers' Compensation cases, except for employees who are not represented by an attorney, must eFile all documents using C-Track. Employees who are not represented by an attorney may continue to file documents via U.S. Mail and personal delivery.

Parties to Administrative Law cases are strongly encouraged to eFile all documents with OAH. 

Absent case-related circumstances, all exhibits must be be eFiled. This applies to all hearings: motion hearings, attorney fee hearings, and in-person and video evidentiary hearings.

2. U.S Mail: 

All parties to Administrative Law cases may file documents via U.S. Mail. For Workers' Compensation cases, only employees who are not represented by an attorney may file by U.S. Mail. 

Office of Administrative Hearings
PO Box 64620
Saint Paul, MN 55164

3. Personal delivery: 

All parties to Administrative Law cases may file documents via personal delivery. For Workers' Compensation cases, only employees who are not represented by an attorney may file documents via personal delivery. 

Judge _____
600 North Robert Street
Saint Paul, MN 55101

4. Fax:

Administrative Law cases only: (651) 539-0310

The Workers' Compensation division does not accept filings via fax.

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