- Parallels In Time
- Document Index
- Education
Document Index
Year | Description | Author/Publisher | File name |
1949 | Your Child From 6 to 12 | Federal Security Agency, Social Security Administration, Children's Bureau | 49-YCF-FSA.pdf |
1952 | The Mentally Retarded Child: A Guide For Parents | Abraham Levinson, M.D | 52-TMR-AL.pdf |
1953 | A Study of Public School Children with Severe Mental Retardation | MN Dept of Education | 53-SMR-MDE.pdf |
1956 | Proceedings of the Institute on Mental Deficiency | Reynold A. Jensen, MD | 56-IMD-RAJ.pdf |
1956 | "Services for Exceptional Children" Proceedings of the 1956 Spring Conference of The Woods Schools, held in Indianapolis, May 11 and 12 | The Woods School for Exceptional Children | 56-SFE-TWS.pdf |
1959 | Decade of Decision: An Evaluation Report | Nat'l Assoc. for Retarded Children, Inc. | 59-DOD-NARC.pdf |
1960 | Hearing Evaluation of Brain-Damaged Children | Adam J. Sortini, The Volta Review | 60-HEB-AJS.pdf |
1962 | Report of the Task Force on Education and Rehabilitation | U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare | 62-EAR DHE.pdf |
1962 | State Planning and Coordination of Resources For Exceptional Children | Reproduced with permission by the U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare | 62-SPC-RWP.pdf |
1966 | The Mentally Handicapped Child Under Five | National Association for Retarded Children | 66-MHC-GUD.pdf |
1969 | Programs for the Handicapped: Education Professions Development Act Provides Special Training for Education Personnel Working with the Handicapped | >U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare | 69-5-PFH-USD.pdf |
1969 | Programs for the Handicapped: Education Programs for Handicapped Children in State- Operated or Supported Schools – A Progress Report – Fiscal Year 1968> | U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare | 69-6-PFH-USD.pdf |
1969 | The Six-Hour Retarded Child | U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare | 69-SHR-DHE.pdf |
1970s | "Obtaining an Education" as a Right of the People | John C. Hogan | 70s-OAE-JCH.pdf |
1970 | Educational Provisions for Mentally Retarded Deaf Students in Residential Institutions for the Retarded | Sudhansu B. Mitra, The Volta Review | 70-EPR-SBM.pdf |
1970 | The Mentally Retarded, Their New Hope | The Advertising Council | 70-TMH-TAC.pdf |
1971 | A Primer on Due Process | The Council for Exceptional Children | 71-PDP-CEC.pdf |
1971 | Policy Statements on the Education of Mentally Retarded Children | National Association for Retarded Children | 71-PSE-NAR.pdf |
1972 | Current Issues in Mental Retardation: The Uses of Litigation: The Right of Retarded Citizens to a Free Public Education | Thomas K, Gilhool, J.D., US Department of Health, Education and Welfare | 72-CII-USD.pdf |
1972 | A Continuing Summary of Pending and Completed Litigation Regarding the Education of Handicapped Children | Council for Exceptional Children | 72-CSC-CEC.pdf |
1972 | Mental Retardation | National Association for Retarded Children | 72-MRN-NAC.pdf |
1973 | Action Guidelines: Evaluation and Monitoring Education Services for Mentally Retarded Persons | National Association for Retarded Children | 73-AGE-NAC.pdf |
1973 | A Continuing Summary of Pending and Completed Litigation Regarding the Education of Handicapped Children | Council for Exceptional Children | 73-CSP-CEC.pdf |
1973 | Legal Change for the Handicapped Through Litigation | The Council for Exceptional Children | 73-LCH-CEC.pdf |
1973 | Right to Education: Anatomy of the Pennsylvania Case and its Implications for Exceptional Children | Leopold Lippman, I. Ignacy Goldberg | 73-RTE-Lippman_Goldberg.pdf |
1974 | Basic Commitments and Responsibilities to Exceptional Children | CEC Policies Commission, Maynard Reynolds, Chairman | 74-BCA-CBC.pdf |
1974 | A Continuing Summary of Pending and Completed Litigation Regarding the Education of Handicapped Children | Council for Exceptional Children | 74-CSC-CEC.pdf |
1974 | Education of Handicapped Children | The Council for Exceptional Children | 74-EHC-CEC.pdf |
1974 | The Education Amendments of 1974: An Analysis of P.L. 93-380 | Robert M. Gettings | 74-TEA-RMG.pdf |
1974 | To Give An Edge | J. Margaret Horrobin and John E. Rynders | 74-TGE-JMH.pdf |
1975 | Portage Project Readings | The Portage Project, US Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare | 75-PPR-HEW.pdf |
1976 | Educating the Twenty-Four Hour Retarded Child | National Association for Retarded Children | 76-ERC-NAR.pdf |
1976 | Hey, Don't Forget Me | The Council for Exceptional Children | 76-HDF-CEC.pdf |
1976 | Public Policy and the Education of Exceptional Children | The Council for Exceptional Children | 76-PEC-CEC.pdf |
1977 | Beyond the Ordinary | U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare | 77-BTO-DHE.pdf |
1977 | Classroom Programming: What Should Be Taught? | National Association for Retarded Citizens | 77-CMP-NAC.pdf |
1977 | Education of Exceptional Learners | Allyn and Bacon, Inc. | 77-EEL-ABI.pdf |
1977 | Education of the Severely/Profoundly Handicapped | N. Dale Gentry, PH.D., A. Lee Parks, PH.D. | 77-ESH-NDG.pdf |
1977 | Helping Retarded Infants Learn: A Resource Guide for Parents | National Association for Retarded Citizens | 77-HMR-NAR.pdf |
1977 | A Primer on Individualized Education Programs for Handicapped Children | The Foundation for Exceptional Children | 77-PIE-FEC.pdf |
1977 | The Right To Education: Where Are We and How Did We Get Here | National Association for Retarded Citizens | 77-TRE-NAC.pdf |
1977 | The Partnership: How to Make it Work | National Association for Retarded Citizens | 77-TTP-NAC.pdf |
1978 | The Rights of Parents and the Responsibilities of Schools | James G. Meade, Ph.D. | 78-TRP-JGM.pdf |
1979 | Early Intervention of Developmental Disabilities | Indiana University | 79-EID-INU.pdf |
1980s | Early Intervention Services for At Risk and Developmentally Delayed Children Below School Age | Arc | 80s-EIS-Arc.pdf |
1980 | Obligations of the State Educational Agency | Department of Education | 80-DCU-DOE.pdf |
1980 | Full Integration: A Means to the Intent | Richard Schattman | 80-FIN-RSC.pdf |
1980 | Report by the Education Advocates Coalition on Federal Compliance Activities to Implement the Education for All Handicapped Children Act | Education Advocates Coalition | 80-PEA-EAC.pdf |
1981 | Strategies for Generating Comprehensive Longitudinal, and Chronological Age Appropriate Individualized Educational Programs for Adolescent and Young-Adult Severely Handicapped Students | Lou Brown, Mary Falvey, Lisbeth Vincent, Nancy Kaye, Fran Johnson, Paula Ferrara-Parrish and Lee Gruenewald | 80-SGC-LBN.pdf |
1981 | Report to Congress | United States General Accounting Office | 81-RTC-GAO.pdf |
1981 | Social lssues and Education: Challenge & Responsibility | Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development | 81-SIE-ASD.pdf |
1982 | Principle of Partial Participation and Individualized Adaptations in Educational Programs for Severely Handicapped Students, TASH Journal Volume 7, Summer 1982 | Diane Baumgart, Lou Brown, Ian Pumpain, Gan Nisbet, Alison Ford, Mark Sweet, Rosalie Messina, Jack Schroeder | 82-WIP-TAS.pdf |
1984 | A Program Inspection on Transition of Developmentally Disabled Young Adults from School to Adult Services | Department of Health and Human Services | 84-API-DOH.pdf |
1984 | Center for Developmental Disabilities University Affiliated Facility Satellite | College of Education and Social Services | 84-CDD-CES.pdf |
1984 | Programs for the Handicapped | Department of Education | 84-PFH-DOE.pdf |
1985 | Belief Systems and Masterly Learning | Outcomes | 85-BLS-OTS.pdf |
1985 | Mainstreaming Some Issues for School Boards | Canadian Education Association | 85-MSG-CEA.pdf |
1986 | Educating Children with Learning Problems: A Shared Responsibility | Madeleine C. Will | 86-ECP-MCW.pdf |
1986 | Issues in Curriculum Development | Patricia L. Miranda and Anne M. Donnellan | 86-ICD-PLM.pdf |
1986 | Recommendations to Enhance the Quality of Life of Persons with Mental Retardation and Other Developmental Disabilities in the United States: A Task Force Report | William Schipper, Task Force Consultant, National Association of State Directors of Special Education | 86-REQ-WST.pdf |
1986 | The Quality of IEP Objectives Associated with Placement on Integrated Versus Segregated School Sites | The Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps | 86-IEP-APH.pdf |
1986 | The "Why" Questions in Instructional Programs for People Who are Severely Intellectually Disabled | Lou Brown, Betsy Shiraga, Patty Regan, Jennifer Yourk, Kathy Zanella Albright, Eileen McCarthy, Ruth Loomis, and Pat VanDeventer | 86-TWQ-LBN.pdf |
1987 | Assistance to States for Education of Handicapped Children | Department of Education | 87-ASC-DOE.pdf |
1987 | Executive Summary | Minnesota Department of Education | 87-EXS-DOE.pdf |
1987 | A Plan to Restructure Vermont's Regional Special Education Classes | State Department of Education Division of Special and Compensatory Education, State of Vermont | 87-PRV-DOE.pdf |
1987 | A Report on Minnesota Youth with Disabilities | Minnesota Department of Education | 87-RYD-DOE.pdf |
1988 | Children and Youth in State Institutions | National Survey of Public Residential Facilities | 88-CYI-NSP.pdf |
1989 | Policy Implications of Emergent Full Inclusion Models for the Education of Students with Severe Disabilities | California Research Institute on the Integration of Students with Severe Disabilities | 89-PIE-CRI.pdf |
1989 | Learning Together... Stories And Strategies | Institute on Community Integration, University of Minnesota | 89-LTS-ICI.pdf |
1989 | Regular Class Integration Feedback from Teachers and Classmates | Institute on Community Integration, University of Minnesota | 89-RCI-ICI.pdf |
1989 | Timothy W., Etc., v. Rochester, New Hampshire, School District | United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit | 89-RNH-USC.pdf |
1989 | Special Education Placement: Is It What You Know or Where You Live? | Howard P. Blackifian | 89-SEP-HPB.pdf |
1989 | The Education of Students with Disabilities: Where Do You Stand? | National Council on Disability | 89-TES-NCD.pdf |
1990 | Positive Approaches to the Treatment of Severe Behavior | The Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps | 90-PAT-APH.pdf |
1990 | Parental Check List for Quality Education | Rhode Island Developmental Disabilities Council | 90-PCL-FQE.pdf |
1991 | Early Education: Which Path to Inclusion? | Institute on Community integration, University of Minnesota | 91-EED-ICI.pdf |
1991 | Opening Doors Strategies for Including all Students in Regular Education | Beth Schaffner & Barbara E. Buswell | 91-OPD-CBS.pdf |
1992 | ED Seeks Out Unneeded, Costly Federal Regs | National Association of State Directors of Special Education | 92-EDS-CTP.pdf |
1992 | Counterpoint, Spring 1992 | National Association of State Directors of Special Education | 92-Counterpoint-NAS.pdf |
1993 | Policy Update, 1992 Rehabilitation Act Amendments | National Transition Network | 93-POU -RAA.pdf |
1993 | Policy Update: IDEA: It's Impact on Transition Regulations | National Transition Network | 93-POU-IDE.pdf |
1993 | Policy Update, Spring 1993 – Expanded Opportunities for Youth and Adults with Disabilities | National Transition Network | 93-POU-JTR.pdf |
1993 | Policy Update, Fall 1993 – Provisions for Youth with Disabilities in Vocational Education | National Transition Network | 93-POU-CPA.pdf |
1993 | The Identification of Financial Disincentives to Eructating Children and Youth with Moderate to Severe... | Illinois Planning Council on Developmental Disabilities | 93-IFD-IPC.pdf |
1993 | Serving the Nation's Students with Disabilities | National Council on Disability | 93-PUP-NCD.pdf |
1993 | Policy Update | National Transition Network | 93-PUP-NTN.pdf |
1993 | Questions and Answers about the IDEA | National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities | 93-QAA-NIC.pdf |
1993 | Reflections on Inclusion at School... And Beyond | Timothy P. Knoster | 93-ROI-TPK.pdf |
1993 | Some Answers for Implementers to the Most Commonly Asked Questions... | Illinois Planning Council on Developmental Disabilities | 93-SAI-IPC.pdf |
1993 | Special Education | Quality of Care | 93-SPE-DOE.pdf |
1993 | Transition Policy in Minnesota | Institute on Community Integration, University of Minnesota | 93-TPM-ICI.pdf |
1994 | Policy Update – Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act Amendments of 1994: Its Impact on Transition Services | National Transition Network | 94-POI-DDB.pdf |
1994 | Policy Update – Youth with Disabilities and the School-to-Work Opportunities Act of 1994 | National Transition Network | 94-POU-YWD.pdf |
1994 | Policy Update Summer 1994 - Implications for Youth with Disabilities As They Transition from School to Work and Adult Life | National Transition Network | 94-POU-EAA.pdf |
1994 | Entering a New Preschool | University of Illinois at Urbana | 94-ENP-UOI.pdf |
1994 | Inclusion Education: A Series of Issue Papers | Coalition on School Inclusion | 94-IEP-CSI.pdf |
1994 | Inclusive Education: Needs of Minnesota Families | Minnesota Department of Education | 94-INE-COE.pdf |
1994 | Questions and Answers on the Least Restrictive Environment Requirements | United States Department of Education | 94-QAA-DOE.pdf |
1994 | School to Work Checklist (scan only) | All Means All School-to-Work Project | 94-SWC-AMA.pdf |
1994 | Making the Transition Team Work | Minnesota Educational Services | 94-TEW-MNE.pdf |
1994 | Thoughts, Perspectives, and Ideas Presented at the Illinois Deans of Colleges... | Illinois Planning Council on Developmental Disabilities | 94-TPP-IPC.pdf |
1995 | Education: Placements for Children Who are Ventilator Assisted | Council for Exceptional Children | 95-EPC-CRD.pdf |
1995 | Improving the Implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act | National Council on Disability | 95-IDE-NCD.pdf |
1995 | Placement of Special Education Students | Joseph F. Bard | 95-PSE-DOE.pdf |
1995 | From Vision to Practice Ideas for Implementing Inclusive Education | Institute on Community Integration, University of Minnesota | 95-FVT-LHM.pdf |
1996 | Policy Research Brief: Individuals with Disabilities | University of Minnesota | 96-PRB-UOM.pdf |
1997 | Differentiated Teaching and Learning in Heterogeneous Classrooms | The College of Education University of Minnesota | 97-DTC-UOM.pdf |
1997 | Education Act Reauthorization Legislation | Congressional Research Service | 97-IDE-CRS.pdf |
1997 | Inclusion of Students Supported by Ventilators | Beach Center on Families and Disability | 97-ISS-BRB.pdf |
1997 | The IDEA Amendments of 1997 | The National Information for Children and Youth with Disabilities | 97-TAM-NIC.pdf |
1998 | Educating Students with Disabilities in General Education Classrooms | C.Moore, D.Gilbreath, F. Maiuri | 98-EGE-MGM.pdf |
1998 | Transition: Is it Time for Another Rebottling? | University of Minnesota | 98-NTN-UOM.pdf |
1999 | Selected Early Childhood/Early Intervention Training Materials | Camille Catlett & Pamela J. Winton, Franklin Porter Development Center, North Carolina University | 99-SCI-CMC.pdf |
1999 | Upon Graduation | Mary Ulrich | 99-UG-MU.pdf |
2000 | The Indiana Inclusion Study | Indiana State Department of Education | 00-IIS-INS.pdf |
2000 | NICHCY Announcements | National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities | 00-NCY-NIC.pdf |
2000 | Policy Update | National Transition Network | 00-PUP-UOM.pdf |
2000 | Questions and Answers about the IDEA | National lnformation Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities | 00-QAI-NCC.pdf |
2000 | Transition and Post-School Outcomes for Youth with Disabilities | National Council on Disability | 00-TPS-NCD.pdf |
2001 | Open Door or Revolving Door: Is the Community College a Viable Option for Students with Disabilities? | Elizabeth Madson Ankeny | 01-CCO-EMA.pdf |
2004 | Executive Summary 24th Annual Report to Congress on Implementation of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act | Government Printing Office | 04-ERC-GPO.pdf |
2004 | Article: "Toward the realization of the least restrictive educational environments for severely handicapped students," reprinted from The American Association for the Education of the Severely / Profoundly Handicapped Review, Volume 2(4), December 1977 | Lou Brown, Barbara Wilcox, Edward Sontag, Betty Vincent, Nancy Dodd, Lee Gruenewald, printed in Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities 2004, Vol. 29, No 1, 2-8. | 04-RAP-TAS.pdf |
2005 | Mouth Magazine #87: In Search of Inclusion | Lucy Gwin, Editor-Designer | 05-MME-LGE.pdf |
2005 | Systems Change in School | TASH Connections | 05-SCS-TCO.pdf |
2005 | An Historical Perspective of Self-Determination in Special Education: Accomplishments and Challenges | Michael J. Ward, George Washington University | 05-AHP-MJW.pdf |
2005 | Pennsylvania Special Education Placement Percentages by Disability Type Over Time | Gaskin Settlement Agreement | 05-SED-SA.pdf |
2010 | Broken Promise: Final Report of the Bureau Directors Advisory Panel on Least Restrictive Environment Following Gaskin v. Department of Education | Martin Elks, Ph.D. | 10-BPG-ME.pdf |
2010 | Thirty-five Years of Progress in Educating Children With Disabilities Through IDEA | U.S. Department of Education | 10-PEC-DOE.pdf |