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Publications and fact sheets

The informational resources available on this page are designed to provide an introduction to various topics of interest to people who are deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing, their families and those who provide services or work with people with hearing loss. 

If you have questions after reviewing any of these resources, please contact us for more information.

My hearing aid tracker These log sheets are designed for nursing care and assisted living facilities to track basic daily care, maintenance and storage of hearing aids. It helps make sure hearing aids are not lost or broken, and that they are working properly. Anyone new to wearing hearing aids can also use these sheets to help support their own hearing aid care routines. My hearing aid tracker. Person with behind the ear hearing aid in one open hand and an in the canal hearing aid in the other. Last Modified: 1/1/0001 Size: 0 Author: Categories: Forms, Tags: Hard of hearing, Hearing aids, Hearing loss,
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