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Publications and fact sheets

The informational resources available on this page are designed to provide an introduction to various topics of interest to people who are deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing, their families and those who provide services or work with people with hearing loss. 

If you have questions after reviewing any of these resources, please contact us for more information.

Preventing noise-induced hearing loss Did you know that one-third of all hearing loss is caused by exposure to loud noise over time? This type of hearing loss is preventable. Find out how to protect your family's hearing in this handout. White text on blue background reads "Preventing noise-induced hearing loss." Below the text is a picture of two earmuff hearing protectors and an assortment of foam and silicone earplugs. Last Modified: 1/1/0001 Size: 0 Author: Categories: Fact Sheets, Tags: Safety, Work, Hearing loss, Children, Publications,
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