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Publications and fact sheets

The informational resources available on this page are designed to provide an introduction to various topics of interest to people who are deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing, their families and those who provide services or work with people with hearing loss. 

If you have questions after reviewing any of these resources, please contact us for more information.

Cochlear and other hearing implants This fact sheet explains the different types of hearing implants available to people who do not get enough benefit from hearing aids. It includes links to expert resources and manufacturer websites where you can learn more about how each technology works. Text at top reads: Cochlear and other implants. A young woman wearing a cochlear implant is looking at her phone and smiling. Last Modified: 1/1/0001 Size: 0 Author: Categories: Fact Sheets, Tags: Hearing loss, Senior, Health, Access, Technology,
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