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Publications and fact sheets

The informational resources available on this page are designed to provide an introduction to various topics of interest to people who are deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing, their families and those who provide services or work with people with hearing loss. 

If you have questions after reviewing any of these resources, please contact us for more information.

Deaf and hard of hearing communication card This communication card was designed to help Minnesotans who are deaf and hard of hearing and law enforcement (police, state patrol and sheriff) communicate better during traffic stops. You can print this and keep it in your vehicle. The downloadable file includes an explanation of what the icons mean. The words I am deaf or hard of hearing. This card is for law enforcement officers and others to help with communication. Help needed: is followed by icons for hospital, flat tire, need directions, need tow truck, slippery roads and need gas. Last Modified: 1/1/0001 Size: 0 Author: Categories: Communication tool, Tags: Law, Access, Safety, Hard of hearing, Deaf, Communication,
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