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Real-time captioning providers

The Minnesota Department of Human Services offers this information as a public service. DHS does not endorse the agencies listed or guarantee the accuracy of any information they share.

To add or change a listing on this page, authorized agency representatives can fill out this form.

Minnesota providers

  • Access Resource - Real-time captioning services in educational settings, business meetings, judicial-legal environment, social services and medical environments. 
  • ASLIS - Real-time captioning, remote captioning, post-production captioning.
  • Riverside Captioning Company - Real-time captioning, transcription and webcast.
  • Veritex Minneapolis - Court reporting, real-time captioning, digital videography, audio transcription and worldwide videoconferencing.

National providers

  • 2020 Captioning - Remote, real-time, broadcast and post-production captioning.
  • Alternative Communication Services (ACS) - Remote, real-time and post-production captioning, TypeWell or C-Print text interpreting.
  • Caption First - Real-time captioning, remote captioning, transcription, web captioning.
  • Hear Ink - Real-time captioning, remote captioning, transcription.
  • HIS Sign - Remote, real-time, TypeWell text interpreting, transcription and captioning.
  • Interpreters and Translators, Inc. - Remote, in person, and multilingual real-time and C-Print text interpreting.
  • Purple Communications - Real-time captioning, remote captioning, post-production captioning, transcription.
  • Sorenson - Remote captioning, post-production captioning, transcription.

You can also search the NCRA database for an independent captioner.

Captioning training programs

Are you interested in becoming a captioner? Captioning offers good pay, a flexible schedule and interesting work providing access to people who are deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing. And the need for captioners is growing. In Minnesota, Anoka Technical College offers a two-year program. You can find more programs on the National Court Reporters Association list of all NCRA-approved programs in the U.S. 

Learn more about captioning as a career on the NCRA Discover Steno webpage.

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