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Phone devices

Minnesota Access to Communication Technology (formerly the TED Program) provides some of these devices to Minnesotans who qualify.

Amplified ringers

Devices you attach to your phone so you can hear it ringing. You can adjust loudness and tone.

Amplified phone

Phones with built-in amplifiers that range from 25 to 55 decibels. Many have variable tone selectors and loud ringers.

Captioned phone

  • For people who have a hard time hearing on the phone and use their voice to communicate.
  • Some captioned phones need internet service and some do not. 
  • Captioned calls are made through a relay service. 
  • When using a captioned phone you can talk and listen while reading captions of what the other person is saying on the phone’s display screen.
  • Today, many people are using captioned phones rather than voice carry over telephones.
  • You can see how captioned phones work in this video from Minnesota Relay.

Portable phone amplifier

This is a small battery-operated device with volume control. It fits over the phone's earpiece.


A TTY lets you type messages to a Relay Services operator. The  operator reads the message to the other person, and types their reply to you. Many new smartphones have TTY software built in, so you don't need a separate device. You can find out more about the TTY software for your device in the user manual or support page for your particular device. 

Here are some helpful links:
Apple's Set up and use TTY or RTT on an iPhone 
Android Accessibility Help's Use real-time text (RTT) with calls


  • A web camera and video screen that allows people who use sign language to make telephone calls.
  • Requires an internet connection. 
  • Calls are made through a video relay service (VRS). A sign language interpreter facilitates communication between the person who uses sign language and the non-signing person.
  • Today, many people use videophone technology rather than a TTY.
  • People who are deaf, deafblind or hard of hearing may get videophones or videophone software from service providers for free. Video Relay Service providers include ConvoGlobalPurple, Sorenson and ZVRS, among others. 

Where to buy phone devices

These phone devices are only available from specialty retailers. You can find two lists of retailers here:

Prices can vary. Consider what features and benefits are important to you and your budget.

If you would like to see how different phone devices work, contact us for a Hearing Loss Assistive Technology Demonstration.

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