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Find a Practitioner / Verify a License

You can use these search tools to find a practitioner in your area and lookup licensure, training, and disciplinary actions, or to verify a licensure issued by the Board.

Professional Profile search works best when viewed with a modern web browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari 8.0, Internet Explorer 11).
This search offers detailed information about Physicians, Physician Assistants, Acupuncturists, Athletic Trainers, Naturopathic Doctors, Respiratory Therapists, Telemedicine, Genetic Counselors and Traditional Midwives. It allows you to search by name, city, license number, specialty, or zip code. You may also view public documents using this tool.

The license information in the search results has been designed and implemented to meet primary source verification requirements of the Joint Commission accredited hospitals and the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) certified managed care organizations, and it can be used as the primary source verification. See Primary Source Verification Letter below.
  • AIM DocFinder (updated daily overnight)
    Find Health Professionals by name, city, or license number. This option includes Acupuncturists, Athletic Trainers, Traditional Midwives, Naturopathic Doctors, Physician Assistants, Professional Firms, Physicians and Surgeons, Respiratory Therapists and Telemedicine licensees.
The Board does not conduct performance ratings of licensees and does not recognize any entity purporting to conduct such ratings. The Board does provide Professional Profile information about a licensee who has met the qualifications for a license. When a violation of Board regulations by a licensee has been established, corrective actions and disciplinary orders are publicly posted. Other state's actions taken and reported to the Board since July 1, 2013 will also be posted.
This is an official letter confirming that our website is a primary source for verification of license credentials consistent with the Joint Commission and National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) standards. This letter is used by credentialing verification organizations to comply with credentialing standards of the Joint Commission and NCQA
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