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Board Actions

Minnesota Statute §148.6448 outlines the grounds for denial of licensure or discipline, investigation procedures, and disciplinary actions. See subdivision one (1) for Grounds for Denial of Licensure or Discipline.
Subd. 2. Investigation of Complaints:
The Board may initiate an investigation upon receiving a complaint or other oral or written communication that alleges or implies that a person has violated Minnesota Statute §148.6401 to §148.6449. In the receipt, investigation, and hearing of a complaint that alleges or implies a person has violated Minnesota Statute §148.6401 to §148.6449, the Board shall follow the procedures in Minnesota Statute §214.
Subd. 3. Disciplinary Actions:
If the Board finds that an occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant should be disciplined according to subdivision 1, the Board may take any one or more of the following actions:
  • Refuse to grant (or deny) licensure
  • Approve licensure with conditions
  • Revoke licensure
  • Suspend licensure
  • Licensure denial
  • Any reasonable lesser action including, but not limited to, reprimand or restriction on licensure
  • Any action authorized by statute
Subd. 4. Effect of Specific Disciplinary Action on Use of Title:
Upon notice from the Board denying licensure renewal or upon notice that disciplinary actions have been imposed and the person is no longer entitled to practice occupational therapy and use the occupational therapy and licensed titles, the person shall cease to practice occupational therapy, to use titles protected by Minnesota Statute §148.6401 to §148.6449, and to represent to the public that the person is licensed by the Board.
Subd. 5.  Reinstatement Requirements After Disciplinary Action:
A person who has had a license suspended may request and provide justification for reinstatement following the period of suspension specified by the Board. The requirements of Minnesota Statute §148.6423 and §148.6425 for renewing a license and any other conditions imposed with the suspension must be met before a license may be reinstated.
Subd. 6. Authority to Contract:
The Board shall contract with the Health Professionals Services Program (HPSP) as authorized by Minnesota Statute §214.31 to §214.37 to provide these services to practitioners under this chapter. The HPSP does not affect the Board's authority to discipline practitioners who have violated Minnesota Statute §148.6401 to §148.6449.

Disciplinary/Corrective Action

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