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Transition and employment services

Find resources for building toward greater independence in the areas of health care, housing, employment and education. The Next Stage: Pathway to Transition and Long-Term Services and Supports for ASD outlines resources available to young adults and adults as they transition into independent living and the work world.

NEXT STAGE: Pathway to Transition and Long-Term Services and Support for Youth with Disabilities

Understanding frequently used terms

Health care

The transition from childhood to adulthood can be an exciting time and overwhelming. Here are a few resources to help smooth the transition.

  • Disability Benefits 101 gives you planning tools and information on health coverage, benefits, including Social Security Income (SSI), and employment.
  • Got Transition is a national organization that aims to improve transition from pediatric to adult health care through the use of new and innovative strategies for health professionals and youth and families.
  • Advocacy for youth with disabilities guide from MN Disability Law Center.

Visit Healthcare and Wellness for more resources.


Here are some helpful tools for increasing independent living. You may find additional Housing Support in the Basic Needs: Housing section of the Autism Portal.


Employment is often the primary transition goal of students with disabilities as they prepare to exit high school. Conversation and social skills, as well as work experience while in high school increase rate of employment. Education and disclosure of diagnosis are also factors that contribute to employment status later on in life.

Find resources to help you prepare for, find and maintain meaningful and integrated employment. Including the Youth in Transition Toolkit section on Employment.


Find education resources under MN Autism Resource Portal: Intervention and Services - Education.

Use the Postsecondary Resource Guide (PDF) created in collaboration by the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) and the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) to help plan your student’s future.

General resources

Autism Grown Up offers strategies and resources that are easy to prep and ready to go. Across the spectrum and across the lifespan.

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