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Other Resources

  • Ombudsman

    Obtain information and assistance in the filing process of appeals.

  • Office of Administrative Hearings

    Obtain information about the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH), Workers' Compensation Section, including contact information, forms, OAH standing orders, a General Proceedings Guide, attorney resources, intervenor resources, subpoenas, and mediation.

  • Department of Labor and Industry

    Obtain information from the Workers' Compensation Division of the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry, including contact information, a guide to workers' compensation claims for employees, employee benefits, forms, employer insurance coverage and rates, vocational rehabilitation, and mediation services.

  • Minnesota Appellate Courts

    Obtain information about Minnesota's appellate courts, including opinions issued this week (only) by the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals.

  • Minnesota State Law Library

    Search and access opinions issued by the Minnesota Supreme Court and the Minnesota Court of Appeals since May 1996, on-line.

  • Office of the Revisor of Statutes

    Locate Minnesota laws and rules governing workers' compensation benefits, the Department of Labor and Industry, the Office of Administrative Hearings, and the Workers' Compensation Court of Appeals.

  • Minnesota Government Portal

    Minnesota's electronic entry point for information about and access to Minnesota's executive, legislative, and judicial agencies and services.

  • WCCA Reasonable Accommodation Request Form

    Workers' Compensation Court of Appeals' Reasonable Accommodation Request Form.

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