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Staff Automated Reporting (STAR)

STAR (STaff Automated Reporting) is a web-based system used by school districts to report employment and assignment information. This system is also used by districts to access the licensure/assignment violation report.

2024-2025 Reporting Session will be October 1 - December 6, 2024. This is the new extended deadline.

Enter the STAR Web Edit System.

Licensure Compliance and Guidance:

STAR Documents:

STAR Training:

STAR Forms and Additional Documents:

Accountability in public education is important and the Professional Educator License and Standards Board believes it is critical that licensed educators are working or providing services only in those areas for which they are licensed or for which they hold a proper permission. 

Each year public school districts and charter schools in Minnesota are required to report the names and assignments of district employees who are working in positions that require licensure.  Licensing information is then crosschecked with licensure data. PELSB staff reports licensure violation incidents to the Board of School Administrators (BOSA) and Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) of outstanding violations within each district.   

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