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Public Data Requests

The Guardian ad Litem Board is subject to the Rules of Public Access to Records of the Minnesota Guardian ad Litem Program

To submit a public data request, click on the link below. 

Frequently asked questions: 

  • How long will it take to receive a response? 
    • The program will respond to confirm that we have received your request
    • Your data will be provided within a reasonable time frame. Some data requests take longer than others because of the types of data requested
  • Do I have to pay for copies? 
    • If you request paper copies, yes. 
    • The public data request form contains detailed information about the cost of paper copies. 
  • What data is publicly accessible? 
    • Please refer to the Rules of Public Access to Records of the Judicial Branch linked above. 
  • May I appeal from a public data request? 
    • Yes. To appeal from a denial of a public data request use the link below
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