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Guardian ad Litem Division Managers

If you are unsure which manager to contact, consult the GAL Program Map. ICWA and Family Court Managers have statewide responsibility for ICWA and Family Court cases respectively.
Lynn Braveheart
ICWA Manager
ICWA Division (Statewide)
Enoch Dix
Juvenile Court Manager
Tenth District
Tiffany Halligan
Juvenile Court Manager
South Metro Division (1st and 2nd Districts)
Laura Miles
Family Court Manager Interim 4th District Manager
Family Court Division (Statewide) Interim Hennepin Manager
Sabrina Nissen
Juvenile Court Manager
Southern Division (3rd and 5th Districts)
Erika Randall
Juvenile Court Manager
Northern Division (6th and 9th Districts)
Jody Skindelien
Juvenile Court Manager
West-Central Division (7th and 8th Districts)
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