Attending Agenda Meetings In-person
The Commission Chair presides over the meeting.
Meeting agenda is published at least ten days before the meeting, with specific issues that will be decided on by the Commissioners for each agenda item. Agendas can be found on the Commission’s web calendar.
There is no specific time scheduled for each item, but the Chair generally proceeds in the order of items listed.
Staff Briefing Papers outline the topics to be covered and may include recommendations. These can be reviewed in eDockets and linked on the agenda within 7 days of the agenda meeting.
Comments at an Agenda Meeting can be made only with approval from the Commission Chair and are not guaranteed. It is unusual for individual members of the public to be granted time to speak during an Agenda Meeting, as Public Meetings and Hearings, and Public Comment periods are the designated ways for public participation. For some dockets, the Chair will identify groups or individuals to present arguments or answer questions.
The Commission operates under Ex Parte Communication restrictions.
Guest Wi-Fi is available.
Meetings are webcast & archived for future viewing.
Past webcasts can be viewed and downloaded in the Commission’s archives.
Video and audio recordings may be downloaded for free. Physical media containing the recordings may be requested for a small fee. Email a request or call the Commission at 651-296-0406 to order.
Specify meeting date, docket number, mailing address, contact name and a daytime phone number when ordering recordings. Allow 3-5 business days for orders to be processed.
Agenda Meeting Protocol
Please note our agency’s protocols in order to ensure all present can observe the proceedings.
No food is allowed in the meeting room.
No beverages without lids are allowed in the meeting room.
The Commission reserves the right to prohibit briefcases, backpacks, duffel bags, or other bags in the meeting room to ensure the safety of meeting attendees. Purses may also be subject to search.
No weapons are allowed in the meeting room.
No signs, banners, or other objects for display of any size are allowed in the meeting room.
No musical instruments, noise makers, radios, recordings, or voice amplification tools may be brought into the meeting room.
Each attendee must be seated in a chair and quiet during the hearing to avoid interfering with the ability of other attendees to see and hear the proceedings.
Pictures without flash cameras may be taken, and video recording is allowed if it does not interfere with the ability of attendees to see and hear the proceedings. All meetings, however, are broadcast and archives are retained for public use.
Pagers or cell phones in the meeting room must be turned to silent before entering the meeting room.
Visit the Commission’s Get Involved page if you have questions about how to participate in the public process, or call the Commission at 651-296-0406, 1-800-657-3782.
What Happens Next?
For each docket item before the Commission at an Agenda Meeting, the Commission will make a decision or series of decisions and then publish individual Orders for what the Commission decided. An Order could require utilities to take a certain action, approve a permit, ask for more information, or take a different action as deemed appropriate. Orders contain an explanation of the issues or topics considered, the decision, and reasons for the Commission’s decision.
Orders are eFiled in the respective docket on the day it is issued. To search for a Commission Order, use the eDockets system.
Public Participation at Agenda and Planning Meetings
Members of the public can participate in Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (Commission) dockets by filing written comments, or providing verbal comments while attending a public meeting or hearing (either in person or virtually via WebEx). Commissioners review public comments and other documents in the record prior to making decisions on a docket.
The Public Utilities Commission functions like a court, therefore it is unusual for participants to be granted time to speak during a Commission Agenda Meeting. The Chair of the Commission has discretion to permit additional public participation depending on the specifics of the docket. To make a request, email Paula Hoena at Paula.Hoena@state.mn.us or the Public Advisor at publicadvisor.puc@state.mn.us at least 2 business days prior to the meeting.
Requests to speak before the Commission should include: the docket number, the method of participation (virtual or in-person), and the name and contact information of the requestor. If granted the opportunity to address the Commission, the requestor will be contacted with further instructions.
Attending Agenda Meetings Virtually
Ensuring the health and safety of the public is important for the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (Commission). The Commission will continue to offer virtual participation options for all public meetings. To access the meeting webcast, view agendas, and learn about accessing a meeting in-person, visit the Commission’s web calendar.
How the public can watch an Agenda or Planning Meeting
Members of the public can watch how the Commission makes decisions (Agenda Meetings) and observe informational presentations on important energy and telecommunications issues (Planning Meetings). During Agenda and Planning Meetings, the public can watch through a real-time video broadcast of meetings (livestream).
The livestream can be accessed by going to the Commission’s web calendar. On the calendar list of dates, click the date of the meeting you’d like to watch. You will be redirected to a page with all the information about that meeting. Click on the “Live Webcast” link. A new window will open where you can push “Play” to start watching the meeting. The meeting’s Agenda will open on the right side of window so you can see everything the Commission will be deciding.