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Mind, Body, and Soul Convenings

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The next Mind, Body, and Soul Convening will be on July 25, 2024, at 3:30-5:00 p.m. We will have an opportunity to discuss the intersectionality on accessibility and aging. Please note we are no longer using Zoom and are excited to use Teams Webinar. 

Register in advance for the Teams Webinar meeting by using this link

About Mind, Body, and Soul

The Mind, Body, and Soul Convenings started as a series of virtual work sessions hosted by the Chief Equity Officer, connecting key leaders to discuss priority issues with Governor Walz, Lieutenant Governor Flanagan, and commissioners and leaders of key state agencies. Through the planning and implementation, the convenings have been an important way for the Office of the Governor to engage state agencies and leaders. 

Since April 2022, each Mind, Body, and Soul Convening includes presentations on research, programs, and key policy items. Community members have found the proposals and information to be comprehensive of important priorities covering topics interconnected to one another, including education (birth to adult education), business and workforce development, public safety, homeownership and affordable housing, children and families, and health.

Each virtual session includes rounds of facilitated small-group discussion where leaders – including Governor Walz, Lieutenant Governor Flanagan, and commissioners – participate as listeners. The feedback received helps shape budget proposals and policies focused on addressing disparate outcomes or innovation policy ideas in our state.

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Would you like to receive email updates on Mind, Body, and Soul convenings, along with periodic updates from State Agencies and the Governor’s Office? Complete the Mind, Body, and Soul Contact Form today!

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