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Ashley Oolman MBA

Interim Chief Equity Officer, Office of Equity, Opportunity, and Accessibility; Director of Equity and Inclusion, Department of Human Services

Ashley (Storm) Oolman, Equity Director of Operations for the Department of Human Services, provides advisement and strategic direction to DHS operations senior leadership, division directors and staff, and oversees the integration of equity tools and strategies within core functions. In her work she leans into a multidisciplinary innovative approach to remove barriers and solve challenges at the administration, agency, and enterprise level. With more than fifteen years leadership experience in advocacy, business innovation, and culture transformation, she understands how to navigate complex environments and provide actionable insights for reconciliation and visible forward motion.

Ashley’s work has been featured on podcasts and blogs, and she has keynoted at state and national conferences. She earned a MBA with a concentration on human resource management, a BA in psychology with a minor in human development and family studies, and a certification in organizational diversity & inclusion. Ashley brings vibrant energy to everything she does, and an unwavering belief that we all have the ability to change the future.

Photograph of  Ashley  Oolman MBA
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