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Title: Third-Party Logistic Providers (3PLs)
Alternate Title:
Description: Minnesota Board of Pharmacy
Subject: Drugs
Creation Date: 7/3/2019 6:44:37 AM
Modification Date: 9/10/2024 9:22:35 PM
Agency Name: Pharmacy, Minnesota Board of
Agency URL:
Agency Description: The Minnesota Board of Pharmacy exists to promote, preserve, and protect the public health, safety, and welfare by fostering the safe distribution of pharmaceuticals and the provision of quality pharmaceutical care to the citizens of Minnesota.
Agency Phone: 651-201-2825
Agency Fax: 612-617-2262
Agency URL:
Agency Address:
335 Randolph Ave., Suite 230

St. Paul
Division Name: Email
Division URL:
Division Description:
Division Phone: Division Fax: Division URL:
Audience: Hold Application URL:
Renewal URL:
Versa URL:

Review 3PL - Third Party Logistics Providers

New Applications

Applications for licensure in Minnesota should be submitted in its entirety 60 days prior to the effective date to allow the application to be reviewed and processed. If an application is missing documents, signatures or other requirements, the applicant will be contacted for additional information or documentation, and processing will be delayed. Once processed, allow 7-10 business days for a new license card to arrive at the facility via USPS. 

All non-resident 3PL firms shipping into Minnesota must be licensed by their home state and provide an inspection report and proof of home state licensure for ongoing licensure renewals. If a home state does not provide licensure for 3PL, certain accreditations that are approved by the Board or proof of a valid federal licensure as per United States Code title 21 section 360 may be provided.

  • Required documents must be submitted with each application. Duplicate documents sent in with similar or related applications will not be retrieved for the completion of multiple applications.
  • Applications are considered withdrawn if they are found to be missing items and if those items are not submitted to complete an application within one year of the original application submission date.
  • The application will be cancelled and a new application packet, including applicable fee(s), must be submitted if a change in ownership or location occurs while the application is under review by the Board.
  • Allow a minimum of 60 days from the time your application packet is complete, along with all missing items received by the Board, for review and final license issuance.

Renewal Information

Third-Party Logistics Providers renewals are due October 1 of each year, and licenses expire October 31 of each year. Currently the renewal process is not an online process. All renewal applications must be completed and mailed or delivered to the Board.

A Minnesota Board of Pharmacy issued third-party logistics provider registration is a six-digit number that begins with a “9”. If your current license begins with any other number, a different renewal application must be completed. (Minn. Stat. § 151.47)

Rules: 6800.0100 - .9954

Statutes: 151.01


New Applications

Applications for licensure in Minnesota should be submitted in its entirety 60 days prior to the effective date to allow the application to be reviewed and processed. If an application is missing documents, signatures or other requirements, the applicant will be contacted for additional information or documentation, and processing will be delayed. 

No license may be issued or renewed for a third-party logistics provider facility that is located in another state unless the applicant supplies the Board with proof of licensure or registration by the state in which the third-party logistics provider facility is physically located or by the United States Food and Drug Administration.

  • Required documents must be submitted with each application. Duplicate documents sent in with similar or related applications will not be retrieved for the completion of multiple applications.
  • Applications are considered withdrawn if they are found to be missing items and if those items are not submitted to complete an application within one year of the original application submission date.
  • The application will be cancelled and a new application packet, including applicable fee(s), must be submitted if a change in location occurs while the application is under review by the Board.
  • Allow a minimum of 60 days from the time your application packet is complete, along with all missing items received by the Board, for review and final license issuance.


Application for a New Third Party Logistics Provider License
Use this application to apply for a new third-party logistics provider license. Submit the completed form, required documents, and payment 60 days prior to the effective date.

Supporting forms for NEW licenses:

  • If applicant facility is owned by a Partnership or Sole Proprietor, complete this form
  • If applicant facility is a Corporation/LLC, complete this form
  • Facility Manager or Designated Representative Affidavit Form. Minnesota statutes require an authorized representative of wholesalers and 3PLs to be designated and to have a criminal background check completed. However, the Board will exercise enforcement discretion and will issue initial licenses without the completion of criminal background check until the Minnesota Health Licensing Board’s Criminal Background Check Program develops policies and procedures to meet this requirement; or the Board arranges an alternative process.

Change of Ownership Form

  • Licenses and registrations granted by the Board are not transferable. When a change of ownership of the licensee occurs, a new application must be submitted to the Board.
    • For a non-resident facility, it is recommended the new application and supporting documentation be submitted no later than 30 days after the change has occurred.
  • Upon approval of the application, a new license will be issued.
  • All application payments are non-refundable.

The following are some examples of ownership changes that require you to report a change of ownership.

  • Sale of licensee to another individual or person;
  • If cumulative 20% or more of the stock (ownership interest in licensee) changes hands since original license issued;
  • A change in business structure (Ex. – Inc. to LLC.) for either licensee or parent;
  • The addition of one or more partners to a partnership; or
  • One partner buying out the other partner.

Name Change Form
Name changes should be submitted 30 days prior to the change for facilities located in Minnesota. Non-resident facilities must report the name change of the facility on the notification form and include the license issued by the home state regulatory agency showing the new facility name.

Relocation Form

  • It is recommended that resident facilities (those facilities that are located in the state of Minnesota) submit the relocation application to the Board a minimum of 60 days prior to the date that the physical relocation takes place.
  • Non-resident facilities must submit a relocation application after their home state regulatory agency has issued a license showing the new address and an inspection has been conducted of the new location. It is recommended the application and supporting documentation be submitted to the Board no later than 30 days after the change has occurred.
  • In each case, in accordance with Minnesota Statute section 151.065, a new license is issued upon approval of the application. All application payments are non-refundable.

Facility Manager or Designated Representative Affidavit Change Form
Use this form to report any change to the Facility Manager or Designated Representative. Changes must be reported to the Board within 30 days of the change.

Officer Change Form
Use this form to report any change to the officers of the facility. Officer changes must be reported to the Board within 30 days of the change.

License Closure Form
Submit this form 14 days prior to the date the facility closes or will no longer conduct business in Minnesota.

Renewal Applications and Instructions

License renewal payments are due October 1 of each year, and licenses expire October 31 of each year. Online renewals will be available on September 1, 2024. See the main License/Registration page for additional information.

Application and Forms are available at Third-Party Logistics Providers



New - $300

Renewal - $300

Renewal late fee - $150

Review Licensure Fees

Period of Issuance: Licenses expire October 31 of each year
Length of Determination:
Other Info:
Activity: Drugs (Human and Veterinary)
License Detail URL:
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