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Deaf Rights Minnesota has gathered together hundreds of links to pages on State websites related to disabilities and aging. Use the top navigation bar to select a retrieval tool:

  • Deaf Rights Topics provides browseable topic categories for drilling down to the desired topic area.
  • A-Z Index is an alphabetical listing of all topics.
  • State Agencies displays all pages on the website from a specific agency, board, council, or division.
  • Search allows full-text searching of the topics, titles, and link descriptions.
Physical Education for Special Education Students Developmental adapted physical education: special education, "means specially designed physical education instruction and services for pupils with disabilities who have a substantial delay or disorder in physical development." This type of education is for students from age 3 to 21 and includes physical fitness, motor fitness, fundamental motor skills and patterns, skills in aquatics, dance, individual and group games, and sports. Students who are deafblind, deaf, or hard of hearing are eligible for this program. MN Rule 3525.1352 Last Modified: 1/1/0001 Size: 0 Author: Categories: Education Department, Tags: Elementary and Secondary Schools,
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