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The site also provides advocacy resources." , "dc.title":"Deaf Rights Resources Minnesota" , "dc.description":"The purpose of the Deaf Rights Resources website is to provide a single entry point to Minnesota laws, statutes, rules and regulations that affect the lives of deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing people. The site also provides advocacy resources." , "dc.created":"2017-04-12T19:10:52.4370000Z" , "dc.modified":"2018-07-30T14:36:32.7807867Z" , "dc.language":"eng," , "viewport":"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" , "date":"2018-07-30T09:36:32-0500" , "snippet":"About this site The purpose of Deaf Rights Resources is to provide a single entry point to Minnesota laws, statutes, rules and regulations that affect the ..." } , { "document":{ "filetypes":"html" , "url":"https://mn.gov/deaf-rights/topics/" , "rank":"2" , "source":"mn-deaf-rights-content-live" , "score":"0.0909091" , "truncated-url":"https://mn.gov/deaf-rights/topics/" , "context":"http://search.oet.state.mn.us/vivisimo/cgi-bin/query-meta?v%3afile=viv_E47PwW&v%3astate=%28root%29%7croot&v%3aframe=tree&subquery=id%3aNdoc2&active%3d=root&v%3asubsearch=1&" }, "filetype":"html" , "size":"57368" , "language":"english" , "title":"Audiologic Evaluation" , "pageid":"tcm:1097-289575-64" , "description":"An audiologic evaluation" , "dc.created":"2017-04-12T19:08:13.2270000Z" , "dc.modified":"2017-04-13T14:23:37.4592574Z" , "dc.language":"eng," , "field_tcmid":"tcm:1097-289415" , "field_title":"Audiologic Evaluation" , "field_link_externallink":"https://www.revisor.mn.gov/rules/?id=9505.0287" , "field_description":"An audiologic evaluation" , "field_date":"0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000" , "field_size":"0" , "field_category":"Human Services Department," , "field_tag":"Health Care, Definitions A-G, Audiologists," , "viewport":"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" , "date":"2017-04-13T09:23:37-0500" , "snippet":"How to use this website Deaf Rights Minnesota has gathered together hundreds of links to pages on State websites related to disabilities and aging. Use the ..." } , { "document":{ "filetypes":"html" , "url":"https://mn.gov/deaf-rights/a-z/" , "rank":"3" , "source":"mn-deaf-rights-content-live" , "score":"0.0833333" , "truncated-url":"https://mn.gov/deaf-rights/a-z/" , "context":"http://search.oet.state.mn.us/vivisimo/cgi-bin/query-meta?v%3afile=viv_E47PwW&v%3astate=%28root%29%7croot&v%3aframe=tree&subquery=id%3aNdoc3&active%3d=root&v%3asubsearch=1&" }, "filetype":"html" , "size":"48718" , "language":"english" , "title":"Telemedicine Covered by Medical Assistance" , "pageid":"tcm:1097-289574-64" , "description":"Medical assistance will pay for three telemedicine consultations per recipient per week. Telemedicine consultations involve a two-way interactive video system or a store-and-forward technology. Store-and-forward technology does not create real-time, face-to-face consultations. It is a taped video that is saved and forwarded to the patient from the provider or from the patient to the provider. MN Statute 256B.0625 Subd. 3b" , "dc.created":"2017-04-12T19:08:08.1170000Z" , "dc.modified":"2017-04-13T14:24:40.0964364Z" , "dc.language":"eng," , "field_tcmid":"tcm:1097-289376" , "field_title":"Telemedicine Covered by Medical Assistance" , "field_link_externallink":"https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/?id=256B.0625" , "field_description":"Medical assistance will pay for three telemedicine consultations per recipient per week. Telemedicine consultations involve a two-way interactive video system or a store-and-forward technology. Store-and-forward technology does not create real-time, face-to-face consultations. It is a taped video that is saved and forwarded to the patient from the provider or from the patient to the provider. MN Statute 256B.0625 Subd. 3b" , "field_date":"0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000" , "field_size":"0" , "field_category":"Human Services Department," , "field_tag":"State Insurance Coverage, Telecommunications," , "viewport":"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" , "date":"2017-04-13T09:24:40-0500" , "snippet":"How to use this website Deaf Rights Minnesota has gathered together hundreds of links to pages on State websites related to disabilities and aging. Use the ..." } , { "document":{ "filetypes":"html" , "url":"https://mn.gov/deaf-rights/agencies/" , "rank":"4" , "source":"mn-deaf-rights-content-live" , "score":"0.0769231" , "truncated-url":"https://mn.gov/deaf-rights/agencies/" , "context":"http://search.oet.state.mn.us/vivisimo/cgi-bin/query-meta?v%3afile=viv_E47PwW&v%3astate=%28root%29%7croot&v%3aframe=tree&subquery=id%3aNdoc4&active%3d=root&v%3asubsearch=1&" }, "filetype":"html" , "size":"35502" , "language":"english" , "title":"Right to an Interpreter During Arrest or Detainment" , "pageid":"tcm:1097-289573-64" , "description":"Law enforcement must contact interpreter services immediately after the arrest of a person who is deaf, deafblind, or hard of hearing and services should be provided at the place of detention. The law enforcement with the interpreter's assistance will explain reasons for detainment, procedures, and reasons for seized property. An interpreter needs to be provided by an arresting officer, sheriff, or other law enforcement official before interrogation or taking a person's statement. An interpreter should be appointed by the presiding judicial officer for a person who is deaf, deafblind, or hard of hearing in preliminary proceedings and judicial proceedings. This law applies to all courts in the state and political subdivisions. MN Statute 611.32 and 611.34" , "dc.created":"2017-04-12T19:10:39.5970000Z" , "dc.modified":"2017-04-13T14:24:25.2761920Z" , "dc.language":"eng," , "field_tcmid":"tcm:1097-289545" , "field_title":"Right to an Interpreter During Arrest or Detainment" , "field_link_externallink":"https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/?id=611.32" , "field_description":"Law enforcement must contact interpreter services immediately after the arrest of a person who is deaf, deafblind, or hard of hearing and services should be provided at the place of detention. The law enforcement with the interpreter's assistance will explain reasons for detainment, procedures, and reasons for seized property. An interpreter needs to be provided by an arresting officer, sheriff, or other law enforcement official before interrogation or taking a person's statement. An interpreter should be appointed by the presiding judicial officer for a person who is deaf, deafblind, or hard of hearing in preliminary proceedings and judicial proceedings. This law applies to all courts in the state and political subdivisions. MN Statute 611.32 and 611.34" , "field_date":"0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000" , "field_size":"0" , "field_category":"Judicial Branch," , "field_tag":"Arrest and Correctional Facilities, Interpreters," , "viewport":"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" , "date":"2017-04-13T09:24:25-0500" , "snippet":"How to use this website Deaf Rights Minnesota has gathered together hundreds of links to pages on State websites related to disabilities and aging. Use the ..." } , { "document":{ "filetypes":"html" , "url":"https://mn.gov/deaf-rights/a-z/?id=1097-289210" , "rank":"5" , "source":"mn-deaf-rights-content-live" , "score":"0.0714286" , "truncated-url":"https://mn.gov/deaf-rights/a-z/?id=1097-289210" , "context":"http://search.oet.state.mn.us/vivisimo/cgi-bin/query-meta?v%3afile=viv_E47PwW&v%3astate=%28root%29%7croot&v%3aframe=tree&subquery=id%3aNdoc5&active%3d=root&v%3asubsearch=1&" }, "filetype":"html" , "size":"51246" , "language":"english" , "title":"Requirements of Independent Living Centers" , "pageid":"tcm:1097-289574-64" , "description":"A center for independent living must meet certain requirements to be certified. These requirements include: have a board of directors where 51 percent of its members have a severe disability or are the spouse or parent of a person with a severe disability; follow Minnesota Statute, chapter 317A, Nonprofit Corporations; not deny a person with a disability from accessing or benefiting from its services; have a risk protection program to secure the center's assets; follow state laws about fundraising; have accessible buildings for people with disabilities; and involve its consumers in determining policy direction, decision-making, service delivery, and management of the center through meetings and surveys. A center applies for certification through a form at the Division of Rehabilitation Services in the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development. MN Rule 3300.3200 For more information, visit: <a href=" , "snippet":"How to use this website Deaf Rights Minnesota has gathered together hundreds of links to pages on State websites related to disabilities and aging. Use the ..." } , { "document":{ "filetypes":"html" , "url":"https://mn.gov/deaf-rights/topics/?id=1097-289340" , "rank":"6" , "source":"mn-deaf-rights-content-live" , "score":"0.0666667" , "truncated-url":"https://mn.gov/deaf-rights/topics/?id=1097-289340" , "context":"http://search.oet.state.mn.us/vivisimo/cgi-bin/query-meta?v%3afile=viv_E47PwW&v%3astate=%28root%29%7croot&v%3aframe=tree&subquery=id%3aNdoc6&active%3d=root&v%3asubsearch=1&" }, "filetype":"html" , "size":"58215" , "language":"english" , "title":"Speech-Language Pathology Services Covered by Medical Assistance" , "pageid":"tcm:1097-289575-64" , "description":"Medical Assistance will pay for speech-language services if: a physician or other licensed practitioner has made a written referral; the services are provided by a speech-language pathologist; the physician believes that the recipient can achieve his/her plan of care within a 60 day period; and the recipient's plan of care is reviewed every 60 days or when it is medically necessary. 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MN Rule 9505.0390" , "field_date":"0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000" , "field_size":"0" , "field_category":"Human Services Department," , "field_tag":"State Insurance Coverage, Speech-Language Pathologists," , "viewport":"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" , "date":"2017-04-13T09:24:33-0500" , "snippet":"How to use this website Deaf Rights Minnesota has gathered together hundreds of links to pages on State websites related to disabilities and aging. 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Use the ..." } , { "document":{ "filetypes":"html" , "url":"https://mn.gov/deaf-rights/topics/?id=1097-289405" , "rank":"8" , "source":"mn-deaf-rights-content-live" , "score":"0.0588235" , "truncated-url":"https://mn.gov/deaf-rights/topics/?id=1097-289405" , "context":"http://search.oet.state.mn.us/vivisimo/cgi-bin/query-meta?v%3afile=viv_E47PwW&v%3astate=%28root%29%7croot&v%3aframe=tree&subquery=id%3aNdoc8&active%3d=root&v%3asubsearch=1&" }, "filetype":"html" , "size":"59915" , "language":"english" , "title":"Regional Service Center Responsibilities" , "pageid":"tcm:1097-289575-64" , "description":"The Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Division can create up to eight regional service centers in Minnesota. The responsibilities of the service centers are: serve as an entry point for people who are deaf, deafblind, and hard of hearing that are in need of services; hire staff who are trained in working with individuals who are deaf, deafblind, and hard of hearing; provide access to interpreter services; loan equipment and resource materials; assist individuals who are deaf, deafblind, and hard of hearing obtain services from other government agencies; work with the Resource Center for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Persons and the department of education to provide services to families with children who are deaf and to school personnel serving these children; provide training to state and regional human service agencies about program accessibility; and assess the level of need for services for individuals who are deaf, deafblind, and hard of hearing in the state. 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