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Public Employee/Public Sector Certification

An employee or labor organization may be eligible for certification as the exclusive representative for an appropriate unit of employees under the Minnesota Public Labor Relations Act by filing a written request with the Bureau. Bureau procedure requires that such a request contain the following:

  1. Petition for Certification of Exclusive Representative (online form, preferred)
  2. Providing a copy of its constitution or bylaws which conform to Minnesota Statute 179A.03, Subd. 6, and Minnesota Rules Part 5510.0410, Subpart 1(A).
  3. Filing valid Authorization Cards signed and dated by at least 30 percent of the employees within the proposed unit in accordance with Minnesota Rules Part 5510.0810.

Upon receipt of all completed documents, an investigation will be initiated and if necessary a public hearing will be held to secure testimony and/or evidence pertinent to the request. If the proposed bargaining unit is found to be appropriate, and the petition is supported by the required showing of interest (Minn. Rules 5510.0310, Subp. 20), an election will be conducted by the Bureau to determine whether eligible employees wish to be exclusively requested by the petitioning employee organization. In order to be certified as an exclusive representative a majority of eligible employees who vote in the election must cast ballots in support of the petitioning employee organization.

Questions concerning procedures for filing a certification petition may be directed to 651-649-5421 or

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