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Labor-Management Cooperation

The BMS assists labor and management representatives in collaboratively addressing problems and developing plans for improving the relationships and operation of the organization.

Worksite Committees

Request for Labor-Management Committee Exploration (PDF)

The BMS supports the development of worksite committees by:

  • assisting management and union leaders to assess their readiness to form a partnership,
  • providing the partnership committees with professional, technical and facilitation assistance,
  • training committee members in conflict resolution skills and techniques and other customized training programs, and
  • assisting committees in evaluating their effectiveness and in making adjustments in their operations.

Area/Industry Councils

Councils provide programs and services that seek to improve labor-management relations within a specific industry or geographic region. Three area/industry labor-management councils are currently operating within Minnesota.

The BMS assists in coordinating and evaluating the need for new councils. During development stages, the BMS helps a council to organize and train its board members and design needed programs and services.

Grant Program

Upon application, councils may be awarded matching grant funds to help implement their programs and services. The BMS also works with councils to establish a long-range plan to help assure their continued viability. Councils may provide assistance to worksites within their geographic or industrial areas.

Grant Applications

Download the application for FY2019.

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