Please keep in mind that submission of National Register nominations is often the final step in a longer preservation planning process that involves different SHPO or State and Local programs. Be sure to confirm with SHPO National Register, tax credit, CLG, or other staff (depending on your project purpose) if you are unsure when to submit a nomination application.
This questionnaire is only intended to provide preliminary information about the property to the Minnesota State Historic Preservation Office. This is not a nomination form nor does it constitute a property evaluation through the Legacy Grant Program or a Part 1 Tax Credit application. Email submission materials to SHPO NR staff at
All information submitted as part of this questionnaire will be incorporated into the SHPO statewide inventory. No information will be returned to you.
The process for listing a property in the NRHP is outlined in the Title 36 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 60 (36CFR §60.11), Requests for nominations.
Complete Nomination Packet includes but may not be limited to:
Completed Registration form - Microsoft Word
Completed Continuation sheet(s) - Microsoft Word
Including figures, maps, historic photographs, and tables as appropriate - Microsoft Word
TIFF photographs meeting NPS guidelines - Zip folder with individual TIFF image files
Completed Owner Verification Form(s) or Historic District Owner Spreadsheet - Adobe PDF
After the draft has been reviewed NR staff will respond in writing via email. This submission process will continue, iteratively, until staff feel the property is unlikely to be successfully listed or the property is adequately documented.
STEP 1: REQUEST ACCESS. Email to request a file sharing folder(s), include the:
Historic building name, City/Township, County
Type of application(s) you are submitting:
Initial Draft
Response to request for more information
STEP 2: UPLOAD. SHPO NRHP staff will share a link to our FTP site (ShareFile) for PDF application uploads.
Upload complete nomination packet as described above.
If responding to a request for information, upload only those materials that were revised in response to SHPO comments – unless otherwise instructed by SHPO staff.
STEP 3: SUBMIT. When the documents have been uploaded, email so our office knows the application is complete and the submission review can begin.
Submit via MnSHIP (either as an update if the property already has an inventory number, or as a new form if it has not been previously recorded). Property-specific evaluation reports are attached to MnSHIP records as PDFs. Email* to let us know that the documentation is ready for review, referencing the grant number and including a list of an inventory numbers submitted. Review will not begin until SHPO has been notified by email.
Submit the draft nomination via the Once the nomination has gone through full SHPO review and been finalized, SHPO staff will upload it to MnSHIP. See ‘Submitting a National Register Nomination’ instructions above.