The Minnesota Statewide Historic Preservation Plan 2022-2032 is the culmination of a three-year statewide collaborative process of gathering insights and learning from the public, stakeholders, and many partners. The Plan shares a vision for historic preservation in our state and elaborates on how Minnesotans can work together to preserve and protect the diverse historic and cultural resources across the state. This document is organized in two parts. The first part describes how we got to where we are now through past accomplishments, trends affecting historic resources, and challenges and opportunities ahead to preserve the state's rich heritage. The second outlines how we can achieve the state's vision by accomplishing the five broad Plan Goals that focus on partnerships, access to information, equity, economic benefits, and sustainability and climate resiliency. As mandated by federal law, the Plan was formally reviewed and approved by the National Park Service on December 23, 2021.
The Plan is available to download as a full document or in sections.
Complete 2022-2032 Plan with appendices (PDF, 9.2MB)
2022-2032 Plan Introduction (PDF, 1.8MB)
2022-2032 Plan Part 1: Foundation for the Minnesota Statewide Historic Preservation Plan (PDF, 5.4MB)
2022-2032 Plan Part 2: Guidance for the Management of Historic and Cultural Resources (PDF, 1.7MB)
Please contact us if you require a printed copy of the Plan.