The Minnesota Tax Court is committed to providing all people with equal access to the courts. To this end, the court strives to ensure that people who have limited English proficiency, or are deaf or hard of hearing, have equal access to participate in cases in the tax court. Interpreter Request Form
A continuación se encuentra una lista de recursos en español (formularios, instrucciones, hojas informativas, etc.)
The following is a list of resources (forms, instructions, information sheet, etc.) in Spanish.
Formulario 7 del Tribunal Tributario página 2/Form 7 Page 2
Instrucciones del Formulario 7 del Tribunal
Formulario 22BT, Cancelación de la Notificación (Tribunal Tributario)/Form 22BT
Declaración Jurada para Audiencia In Forma Pauperis/ Affidavit for Proceeding In Forma Pauperis
Cov ntawm no yog ib daim ntawv qhia txog cov kev pab (cov ntawv teev npe, cov kev qhia, daim ntawv nug txog yus tus kheej, tej yam li ntawv ) uas suab ua ntawv hmoob.
The following is a list of resources (forms, instructions, information sheet, etc.) in Hmong.
Daim Ntawv Foos 7 (2)/Form 7 Page 2
Tsev Hais Plaub Nqi Se Daim Ntawv Foos 7 Cov Lus Qhia/Form 7 Instructions
Daim Ntawv Foos 22BT, Kev Tso Tseg Kev Pab Cuam (Tsev Hais Plaub Nqi Se)/ Form 22BT
Halkan hoose waxaa laguugu soo bandhigay qoraalo ku caawinaya (foomamka maxkamaddaha, tilmaamaha, Bogag xambaarsan xog la soo koobay, iwm) kuna af Soomaali.
The following is a list of resources (forms, instructions, information sheet, etc.) in Somali.
Foomka 7aad ee Maxkamadda Canshuurta (2)/Form 7 Page 2
Tilmaamaha Foomka 7aad ee Maxkamadda Canshuurta/Form 7 Instructions
Foomka 22BT, Ka Dhaafitaanka Adeegga (Maxkamadda Canshuurta)/Form 22BT
Dhaarta Hore ugu sii socodka (In Forma Pauperis)/ Affidavit for Proceeding In Forma Pauperis
Sau đây là danh sách các nguồn (biểu mẫu, hướng dẫn, bảng thông tin, v.v.) bằng tiếng Việt.
The following is a list of resources (forms, instructions, information sheet, etc.) in Vietnamese.
Mẫu 7 Của Toà Án Thuế Minnesota 2, Đơn Kiến Nghị Về Thuế Bđs/Form 7 Page 2
Hướng dẫn Mẫu 7 Của Toà Án Thuế Minnesota/Form 7 Instructions
Mẫu 22BT, Miễn Trừ Tống Đạt (Toà Án Thuế)/Form 22BT
If you speak limited or no English and are a party to a case, and need an interpreter for yourself or a witness during a hearing or trial, please complete the Interpreter Request Form. Submit the form:
The court may contact the requester for further information.
You also may make your request at the time of your hearing or trial, but making advance requests will avoid interruption.
The court will arrange at the time of your request for an interpreter through GBR interpreting & Translation Services (763-241-0002). Interpreter services are provided at no cost to you.
If you are deaf or hard of hearing, you have a right to an interpreter or other accommodation to assist with any communication at no cost to you. This right is a requirement of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Minn. Stat. § 363A.11 . Please visit ADA Accommodation for more information about requesting an accommodation.
Please note the Minnesota Tax Court is not authorized to verify the accuracy of the content of information or interpretation provided by spoken language interpreters.