Partners in Policymaking Class 42: Session Two
The Minnesota Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities congratulates Class 42 of Partners in Policymaking for a successful second weekend of training. Patrick Schwarz presented on inclusive education. The class members are participating in an activity to learn about skills, interests, and preferences.
The Minnesota Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities congratulates Class 42 of Partners in Policymaking for a successful second weekend of training. Kit Welchlin presented on civil conversations. The class members are participating in skits that demonstrate the principles of civil conversations and dressing up with early Halloween costumes.
The Minnesota Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities thanks the Minnesota Department of Education for participating in the education roundtable discussions on Friday evening. MDE representatives included Ellen Seibert, Kursten Dubbels, Tami Childs, Katie Roby and Ingrid Aasan, Janet Christensen and Kelsey Black. Mary Hauff and Katie Parry also participated on behalf of the Minnesota Inclusive Higher Education Consortium (MIHEC).
The 2024-2025 Graduate Workshop was held on October 20, 2024 and the topic was "Applying Emotional Intelligence to Support Civil Discourse and Successful Outcomes" presented by Kit Welchlin. The all-day workshop was attended by over 40 graduates of Partners in Policymaking.