Welcome to Partners!
The New Edition of the Partners in Policymaking® Coordinator's Handbook Is Available Now
We are pleased to announce the release of the newly revised and updated Partners in Policymaking Coordinator's Handbook.
This is the ninth edition of the Handbook, designed to help Coordinators who are starting or restarting a Partners program as well as serve as a resource for Coordinators to maintain the quality of existing programs. The five free online learning courses have been incorporated into the curriculum, offering participants another avenue to strengthen and enrich their classroom experience.
This version is fully accessible and incorporates all current accessibility features.
Download and Read the Handbook >>
Forms Related to Replication of the Partners Classroom Program:
Partners Profile Form
Time Match Form
Respite Care/Child Care Reimbursement Form
Participant Reimbursement Request Form
Sample Partners Application
Session Evaluation
Sample Participation Agreement
Partners in Policymaking Class 42 Session 4
Congratulations to Class 42 on completing the fourth weekend of Partners in Policymaking. The weekend focused on home control and ownership, customized employment, and learning about colors and communication styles. Thank you to the faculty members: Jennifer Knapp, Jayne Hager Dee, Steven Hunt, Scott Schifsky, and Maria Trueblood.

View Class 42 session four photos »
View Class 42 session three photos »
View Class 42 session two photos »
View Class 42 session one photos »
January 27, 2024
Members of Partners in Policymaking Class 41 participate in Disability and Progress KFAI Radio Show
Participants of Partners in Policymaking Class 41 Andrew Start, Daonna Depoister, Denny Hruby, and Steve Reinardy sat in the KFAI radio studio on May 9, 2024 to talk about their experience in learning and gathering resources to help advocate for people with disabilities. They joined Sam and Charlene this week for their radio program, Disability and Progress through KFAI radio which brings you insights into, ideas about, and discussions of disability topics, hosted each week. The participants of Partners in Policymaking Class 41 are graduating in May from their 9-month long disability advocacy and leadership training program. Partners in Policymaking® is a leadership training program for parents/legal guardians of young children with developmental disabilities and adults with disabilities.
May 13, 2024
The "Telling Your Story" App Has Been Updated
We are pleased to announce the release of an updated and simplified version of the "Telling Your Story" app. In six easy steps, create your personal story, tell how a policy issue affects you or your family, add a photo, and send your message directly to your elected public official.
iOS Version for iPhone and iPad available from the App Store
Android version for phone and tablet available from Google Play

July 1, 2020
Partners in Policymaking®
Changing Lives. Changing Policies.
Since the Partners program was created in Minnesota in 1987, more than 27,000 self advocates and parents of children with developmental disabilities have graduated nationally and internationally. They comprise a network of trained advocates and leaders, working in partnership with their elected officials to positively change the way people with disabilities live, work, and are educated; and enjoy the benefits of being actively involved in their communities.
On the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), this book traces the history of the Partners program. Through a collection of stories and testimonials, Partners graduates share the impact of the program on their lives as well as the many ways that the ADA has resulted in their greater inclusion and integration into the community and society at large. (7/28/15)
Find the Minnesota Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities on Facebook