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Title: Family Child Care and Group Family Child Care License (DHS Rule 2)
Alternate Title:
Description: Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS)
Subject: Child Care
Child Care Centers
Creation Date: 9/11/2008 2:12:59 PM
Modification Date: 1/30/2025 4:31:11 PM
Agency Name: Human Services (DHS), Minnesota Department of
Agency URL:
Agency Description: The Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) offers programs for health care, child support, food support, general assistance, nursing home care, seniors, people who are deaf, people who have developmental disabilities, foster care, child protection and adult and children's mental health services.
Agency Phone: 651-431-2000
Agency Fax: Agency URL:
Agency Address:

St. Paul
Division Name: The Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) has delegated the licensing of family child care to counties. For license information, contact your County Social Services Department or Human Services Department.
Division URL:
Division Description:
Division Phone: Division Fax: Division URL:
Audience: Application URL:
Renewal URL:
Versa URL:

Review Licensing help for child care providers

Details for different provider types

 Licensed child care centers

 Family child care providers

  Certified child care centers

Requirements for different provider types

Licensed child care centers

Family child care providers

Certified child care centers

Early Childhood Connector newsletter and provider calls

Early Childhood Connector newsletter

Early Childhood Connector provider calls

Child Care Regulation Modernization

In 2021, the Minnesota legislature passed legislation and allocated federal funding to support regulation modernization projects for both licensed family child care and child care centers.
Visit the Child Care Regulation Modernization page to learn more about these ongoing efforts.

Child Care Systems Transformation

The Minnesota Department of Human Services has begun a child care systems transformation initiative to improve and integrate the information technology systems used for the licensing, certification, and Child Care Assistance Program registration of child care providers in Minnesota. A new system will be implemented for child care licensing and Child Care Assistance Program registration at both the state and county level. Visit the Child Care Systems Transformation page to learn more.

Alternate child care licensing models

In 2021, the Minnesota legislature directed the Department of Human Services to review child care models that are not currently allowed under state statutes and make recommendations on new model(s) that could address the state's child care needs. The Alternate Licensing Models Report outlines the department's findings and recommendations.​

Related pages and resources

Mandated reporter resources 

Rules: 9502.0300 - .0445

Statutes: 245A


Documentation required for every child in family child care

Documentation family child care license holders must maintain

Additional family child care license holder forms and information

Period of Issuance:

A family child care or group family child care license may be issued for up to two years after the first year of licensure.

Length of Determination: Minn. Stat. § 245A.04, subd. 1 requires that the Commissioner shall act on the application within 90 working days after a complete application and any required reports have been received from other state agencies or departments, counties, municipalities, or other political subdivisions.
Other Info:
Activity: Child Care
Family Child Care
License Detail URL:

Licensing help for child care providers

Online Services 

DHS Licensing Information Lookup

Minnesota Department of Human Services


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