Title: Archaeological Fieldwork Licenses
Alternate Title: Archaeological Fieldwork
The Office of the State Archaeologist (OSA) -Minnesota Department of Administration assists state agencies and other government entities, archaeological professionals, students, and the general public with archaeological site protection, archaeological education, and archaeological research. In doing so, OSA promotes efficient management of archaeological resources in Minnesota and a better understanding of the state's past. OSA also acts as the chief public contact for archaeology in Minnesota and sponsors public events, produces educational materials, and makes presentations to various organizations, school groups and the public at large.
Subject: Archaeological Fieldwork
Creation Date: 9/11/2008 2:10:55 PM
Modification Date: 8/9/2024 4:00:36 PM
Agency Name: Administration, Minnesota Department of
Agency URL: https://mn.gov/admin/
Agency Description:
The Minnesota Department of Administration provides services to government agencies, information for vendors who wish to do business with the state, information on data practices, public auctions, State Register, Minnesota Bookstore's and more.
Agency Phone: Agency Fax: Agency URL: https://mn.gov/admin/
Agency Address:
200 Administration Building
50 Sherburne Ave.
St. Paul
Division Name: Office of the State Archaeologist (OSA), Minnesota
Division URL: https://mn.gov/admin/archaeologist/
Division Description:
Division Phone: Division Fax: Division URL: https://mn.gov/admin/archaeologist/
Division Address:
328 W. Kellogg Boulevard
St. Paul
Application URL:
Renewal URL:
Versa URL:
Licenses and Manuals
- License Types
Information about the four archaeological license types in the state of Minnesota.
- Apply for a License
- Qualifications
The listed qualifications that must be met as determined by the state archaeologist in order to receive an archaeological license for the state of Minnesota.
- Curation Agreements
In addition to obtaining licenses, professional archaeologists must adhere to a strict set of agreements in order to proceed with archaeological survey.
- Survey Manual
Access the State Archaeologist's survey manual.
The Office of the State Archaeologist oversees all archaeological work conducted on public property within the state of Minnesota. Professional Archaeologists must receive an appropriate license for each phase of a proposed archaeological survey.
Rules: 4410.1500
Statutes: 103F
138.31 - .42
Licenses and Approvals
There are seven types of archaeological licenses in Minnesota. All licenses are issued on a per-project or per-site basis.
- Phase I: Reconnaissance survey License (issued per project) Phase 1 License
- Phase II: Evaluation License (issued per site) Phase 2 License
- Phase III: Data Recovery License(issued per site) Phase 3 License
- Burial Assessment/Authentication License (issues on non-federal public land, per site) Burial Assessment_License
- License for Monitoring Construction: Usually associated with a burial or cemetery site (issued per site) Monitoring License
- Emergency License (issued on an emergency basis): Please contact the OSA for information related to this type of license at archaeological.licenses.adm@state.mn.us
- Education/Research/ Public Outreach License (issued for archeological investigations that fall outside development-driven projects): Please contact the OSA for information related to this type of license at archaeological.licenses.adm@state.mn.us
Please use this following file regarding Shapefiles: Reporting Shapefiles (ZIP). Do not change the templates, including adding columns or re-arranging columns
Sample Forms, Resources, and First Time Applicants
In addition to the licenses, you can also access a sample Phase I license applications, sample first-time applicant resume, and first-time qualifications review form:
Treatment Request Form
If you have a licensed project and would like to request permission for further analysis or treatment, please use the “Treatment Request for MN License” form
- Fill out all sections of the form completely
- Attach a research design for Phase II, Phase III, and Burial Authentication projects.
- application form
- maps
- associated documentation, as necessary (e.g. Research Design).
- Submit the completed form to archaeological.licenses.adm@state.mn.us
If you have questions or concerns regarding the license applications please contact us at archaeological.licenses.adm@state.mn.us
Period of Issuance:
Calendar year. Valid through January 31 of the following
calendar year, with provisions for one calendar year extension (as
warranted, on case-by-case basis).
Length of Determination:
Other Info:
Activity: Archaeological Fieldwork
License Detail URL:
Professional Archeologists