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question markWhat is Clemency?

Clemency is any act of mercy or compassion shown toward someone who has committed a crime. The most common types of clemency in Minnesota are pardons and commutations. A pardon is for people whose sentences are complete and no longer active. A commutation is for people that are still serving part of their sentence.

an icon representing an application

How to Apply

To apply for a pardon or commutation, you must complete an application. Learn more about applying for a pardon or commutation.

icon representing a person's eligibility


For Pardons
People with adult criminal convictions from Minnesota state courts are eligible to apply for pardons five years after their sentence has been discharged or expired. Learn more about being eligible for pardons.

For Commutations
People with adult criminal convictions from Minnesota state courts are eligible to apply for commutations five years after they are convicted (pleaded guilty or were found guilty) or after they have served half of their sentence – whichever comes first. Learn more about being eligible for commutations.

icon representing waiting

Meeting Statutory Waiting Periods

There are two types of required waiting periods: a waiting period to apply for the first time after a conviction and a waiting period to reapply after you have previously applied for and been denied clemency by the Board of Pardons. Learn more about meeting statutory waiting periods.

graphic: what's new

What's New?

Announcement - New Board of Pardons Meeting Date

The Board of Pardons meeting has been rescheduled to December 20, 2024. 

The December 20th meeting is only for applications that do not require a second hearing. The meeting will be at the Minnesota Senate Building, 95 University Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55155. 

Applicants are not required to be present at the meeting on December 20th and no testimony will be taken. The Board will make a decision on all applications that do not require a second hearing. 

During the week of December 2, 2024, CRC staff will send letters to applicants with more information. 

Applications that have been selected for a second hearing before the Board will not be heard in December. The date for second hearings has not yet been determined but the meeting will likely be held in the first quarter of 2025 (January - March). 

Stay Informed

Follow our website for updates, meeting schedules, and more details about the Commission’s work. We are committed to ensuring fairness, transparency, and justice in Minnesota’s clemency process.

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