Everyone age 5 and older is eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine is free and immigration regulations are not enforced at vaccination sites. To date 79.1% of Minnesota's population over the age of 18 have been received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. Only 51.4% of Minnesota's African heritage population have been fully vaccinated. Statically once the population hits 70% of it's population with vaccinations herd-immunity to a virus kicks in.
Answers About the Vaccine:
The vaccine has raised many questions within the African heritage community, from what is in the vaccine? to possible side effects and if you need to get the vaccine if you had COVID-19. There is a great national website that has been curated by Black physicians that answers those questions and more. Click here to visit the website and read the truth behind the vaccine.
For video information on the vaccine in Somali, Ahmaric and Arabic, click here
For general information on the vaccine in Somali click here
Vaccine Information for Children Age 5 - 11
Please click on the links below for information regarding vaccinations for children age 5 - 11 years old.
What Parents Should Know About The Vaccine
Vaccination Data
Governor Walz announced publication of vaccination information by race and ethnicity. This data will inform targeted strategies to ensure that the COVID-19 vaccine is distributed equitability to Minnesotans. The data sight also breaks down vaccine distribution in general and gives an idea of the Governor's goals for vaccinations. Minnesota ranks 3rd in the country for the number of vaccines that have been administered. Currently, 975,781 Minnesotans have received their first vaccine and 516,422 Minnesotans have completed their vaccine series. 90.7% of vaccines administered have been to Caucasian people and 3.5% have been administered to people of African heritage. For more information and to view this data click here
How to Get Your Vaccine:
You can also sign-up for a vaccine by phone with translation services available by dialing 651-318-0989 or 833-431-2053 For information in Somali click here
Communities can request a mobile vaccination unit by clicking here
For more information on these mobile units click here Questions can be sent to MobileVaccineUnits@state.mn.us
For more information on the vaccine sites click here.
The Refugee and Immigrant COVID Care hotline, which has interpreters can be reached by dialing 651-318-0989. For information on the vaccine's distribution click here
Stairstep Foundation / His Works United Sponsored Local Vaccination Sites:
Pilgrim Baptist Church - Every Tuesday from 4 - 6 pm
732 Central Ave. West, St. Paul MN 55104
Urban League Twin Cities - Every Wednesday from 5 - 7 pm
2100 Plymouth Ave. North, Minneapolis MN 55411
Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church - Every Thursday from 12 - 2 pm
501 Lawson Ave. West, St. Paul MN 55117
To schedule an appointment for any of these vaccination sites call 612-254-1228
Who Should Get a Booster Shot?
As of Nov. 19th the MN Dept. of Health is recommending that all adults get a booster vaccine shot, due to waning immunity from previous COVID-19 vaccinations.
Mobile Vaccination Units:
Metro Transit turned six buses into mobile vaccination clinics. The buses meet ADA requirements for transit vehicles. The mobile vaccination units are intended to bring vaccines to people who would otherwise have a hard time getting vaccinated due to transportation barriers, technology barriers, and geographic barriers. Mobile vaccination buses are not intended for mass vaccination events. Each bus is prepared to vaccinate around 100 people each day, depending on travel time. The mobile units will be able to hold vaccination events across the state. The first buses were deployed on Monday and will continue to operate Monday - Thursday during the summer. Community outreach teams will work with trusted community partners to reach out to the community and register people for an appointment prior to the vaccination event. The vaccine is free and immigration regulations are not enforced at vaccination sites
Communities can request a mobile vaccination unit by clicking here
For more information on these mobile units click here
Questions can be sent to MobileVaccineUnits@state.mn.us