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Survey and Inventory

Page updated 01.03.2024

Minnesota’s Statewide Historic Inventory consists of two primary resource types, commonly referred to as "above-ground resources" and "archaeological resources." These two resource types are recorded and maintained separately for a variety of reasons, most notably is that some archaeological and interdisciplinary information is limited to qualified archaeologists.

Minnesota's Statewide Historic Inventory Portal - MnSHIP

Minnesota’s statewide inventory of more than 120,000 historic and architectural properties that have been documented since the 1970s.

Minnesota's Office of the State Archaeologist Portal

Minnesota’s statewide inventory of archaeological sites and Minnesota Indian Affairs Council areas of interest.

Minnesota SHPO's Survey Manuals and Guidelines

Minnesota SHPO's recommended guidance for archaeological survey and historic architectural survey. The User Manual for the Minnesota Statewide Historic Inventory Portal (MnSHIP) is also available here.

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