Owners of private property nominated to the National Register have an opportunity to concur with or object to the listing of the property in the National Register in accordance with the National Historic Preservation Act and the 36 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) 60.
Any owner or partial owner of private property who chooses to object to listing may submit, to the State Historic Preservation Officer, a notarized statement certifying that the party is the sole or partial owner of the private property and objects to the listing. Each owner or partial owner of private property has one objection regardless of the portion of property the party owns. If a majority of private property owners object, a property will not be listed. However, regardless if a majority of the private property owners object to the listing, the State Historic Preservation Office shall submit the nomination to the Keeper of the National Register of Historic Places requesting a determination of eligibility of the property.
Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act requires federal agencies to take into account the effects of their actions on historic properties listed in the National Register, determined eligible by the Keeper of the National Register, or determined eligible for the National Register by the agency and the State Historic Preservation Office. Regulations of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, an independent Federal agency, guide this consultation process, which assures that the value of the historic property is considered in project planning.
If you choose to object to the listing of the property, the notarized objection must be submitted to the State Historic Preservation Officer, c/o Amy Spong, Administration Building 203, 50 Sherburne Ave., Saint Paul, MN 55155. Any correspondence received after the State Review Board meeting, but before final action is taken by the Keeper of the National Register will be forwarded to the National Register.
If you wish to comment on the nomination of the property to the National Register, please send your comments to the address below. A copy of the nomination, the criteria used for evaluation, and more information on the National Register program are available from the State Historic Preservation Office.
State Historic Preservation Office
Administration Building 203
50 Sherburne Ave.
Saint Paul, MN 55155