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Disaster Planning - Images

The city of Dawson as it appeared after the 1906 fire
The city of Dawson as it appeared after the 1906 fire 


St. Peter after a fire November 1887

St. Peter after a fire November, 1887.

 Delano during the June 1957 flood
A view of Delano during the June 1957 flood.

Marshall flood in June, 1957 
View of the Marshall flood in June, 1957.

Anoka tornado 
View of Anoka after a June, 1939 tornado.

Austin following the tornado of August 1928 
Austin's main street following the August 1928 tornado.

Building after a fire at the University of Minnesota - Duluth

Building after a fire at the University of Minnesota, Duluth.

View after a fire at the University of Minnesota-Duluth 
View after a fire at the University of Minnesota, Duluth.

Fort Renville archaeology site 
Fort Renville archaeology site.

Fort Renville site after the bank stabilization project 
Fort Renville site after the bank stabilization project in 1998.
The damage to the site occured in 1993.

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