Get more information about the Tax Court.
Tax Court personnel include judges, attorneys, and administrative staffers. Go here to find out more about the people of the Tax Court.
The Tax Court operates in accordance with Minnesota Statutes and Minnesota Court Rules of Civil Procedure. Go here to find more information on the Tax Court's rules and procedures.
The Minnesota Tax Court encourages you to seek legal counsel when filing a case. Individuals have the right to represent themselves without a lawyer, but petitioners and appellants are required to know and follow court rules and the law. This website contains practical information for self-represented litigants. It is not legal advice, nor is it meant to be a substitute for obtaining legal advice from an attorney.
The public may sit in on Tax Court hearings held in person, and may watch scheduled livestreams of hearings held virtually. Go here to find a link to the court's YouTube channel.
Go here to see the court's calendar of upcoming public hearings (trials and motions).
Some parties choose mediation before going to trial. Go here to find answers to frequently asked questions about mediation.