eDockets is the electronic docket system of the Commission. eDockets was developed to process and manage public information about the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission’s official cases and rule-making proceedings, officially called dockets.
About eDocket Numbers
A Docket number is assigned to each case (docket) filed with the PUC. A docket number follows this format: E-999/M-15/4321. The eDockets number is the key to finding information about a docket. Check out the docket key for help with docket numbers.
Get Ready for the New eFiling/eDockets App
The eFiling/eDockets application will be updated to a new version.
The new app we’re rolling out will have updates including:
New design to make the platform more user-friendly.
New and improved functions and features: Improved compatibility with browsers and devices and the ability to upload larger files.
Watch for more communications with a link to the new application and detailed instructions.
The basic functions of the application, for downloading and viewing documents, will remain the same.
Watch this video to learn more about the new eFiling/eDockets application.
Attention: Users that have saved eDockets searches to their eFiling account should make a record of this information because saved search information will no longer be available in the new version of the application.
Access eDockets & Dockets Open for Comment
Your Impact
Our decision-making is better when we hear from Minnesotans like you.
Public input is essential to a fair and reasonable decision making process. Members of the public are encouraged to provide comments on any case before the MN PUC at any time and are also welcome to send comments to, or to contact, the MN PUC about regulatory matter or subject of interest related to the MN PUC's work.