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The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission has a Consumer Affairs Office to answer inquiries and assist customers and utilities in addressing informal complaints through correspondence, mediation, or arbitration. (Minn. Rules 7829.1600) Customers with complaints or inquiries can fill out an online complaint form or call CAO at 651-296-0406 or 1-800-657-3782. More information on the Consumer Affairs Office.

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In addition to the informal complaint process, the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission has a formal complaint process, which involves a determination by the full Commission. Details on that process are described in Minnesota Rules 7829.1700 to 7829.1900:

Disclaimer: This webpage is intended as an informational-only, general overview of some key Minnesota statutes, rules and Commission Orders related to customer-sited distributed generation. The information on this page does not represent a Commission interpretation of said statutes, rules and orders.
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