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About the PUC

The mission of the Commission is to improve the lives of all Minnesotans by ensuring safe, reliable, and sustainable utility services at just and reasonable rates.

One of the key functions of the Commission in performing this mission is to balance the private and public interests affected in each docket, and to make decisions that appropriately balance these interests in a manner "consistent with the public interest."

Commission Members

The Commission consists of five commissioners appointed by the governor to six-year staggered terms.

Commissioner Katie Sieben

Katie Sieben, Chair

Commissioner (Dem) confirmed May 12, 2023
(651) 201-2250
Commissioner Hwikwon Ham

Hwikwon Ham

(651) 201-2210
Commissioner John Tuma

John Tuma

Commissioner (Rep)
(651) 201-2220

Contact & Directions

Minnesota Public Utilities Commission

121 7th Place E
Suite 350
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101
Local: 651.296.0406 | Toll Free: 1.800.657.3782


Members of the media looking for commentary or an official statement should contact:
Cori Rude-Young, 651-201-2241

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