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Minnesota Olmstead Plan Workgroups

In 2019, Governor Tim Walz signed an Executive asking the Subcabinet to look at new opportunities to address the needs of individuals with disabilities. These included:

  • Remove barriers to providing services to people in the most integrated setting
  • Address inequalities that don't allow people to live, learn, work, and enjoy life in the community
  • Find ways to improve the health and welfare of people with disabilities.

In response to the Governor's Executive Order, the Subcabinet created workgroups to explore five topics: housing, data collection practices, employment, juvenile justice and special education, and preventing abuse and neglect. The workgroups began meeting in June 2021. They presented their recommendations to the Subcabinet in 2023. Read their recommendations (PDF).

In 2023, the Workforce Shortage and People with Disabilities created a survey to understand employment for people working in integrated and segregated employment. The results are available below:

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