Title: Graduate Preceptor Registration (GPP)
Alternate Title:
Description: The Graduate Preceptorship Program (GPP) is a program that allows a new graduate, while completing the licensure process, to begin practice and gain additional experience for a limited period of time under the direct supervision of a licensed and experienced practitioner. Minnesota Board of Chiropractic Examiners (MCBE)
Subject: Chiropractors
Creation Date: 9/11/2008 2:10:29 PM
Modification Date: 7/30/2024 2:49:02 PM
Agency Name: Chiropractic Examiners (MBCE), Minnesota Board of
Agency URL: https://mn.gov/boards/chiropractic-examiners/
Agency Description:
The mission of the Minnesota Board of Chiropractic Examiners (MBCE) is to protect the public through effective licensure and enforcement of the statutes and rules governing the practice of chiropractic to ensure a standard of competent and ethical practice in the profession.
Agency Phone: 651-201-2850
Agency Fax: 651-201-2852
Agency URL: https://mn.gov/boards/chiropractic-examiners/
Agency Address: Chiropractic Examiners, Minnesota Board of
335 Randolph Ave., Suite 280
St. Paul
Unit Name: Email
Unit URL:
Unit Description:
Unit Phone: Unit Fax: Contact person(s): Chiropractic.Board@state.mn.us
Unit URL:
Audience: Hold
Application URL:
Renewal URL:
Versa URL:
Review Graduate Preceptorship and Externship Requirements
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I have more than one Extern?
The Graduate Preceptorship Program (GPP) is a program that allows a new graduate, while completing the licensure process, to begin practice and gain additional experience for a limited period of time under the direct supervision of a licensed and experienced practitioner.
NOTE: Special provisions pertaining to a waiver of various requirements for military personnel who are, or have been, actively deployed may be found at Minn. Stat. § 326.55 and Minn Stat. § 326.56
Rules: 2500.2515
Statutes: 148
Period of Issuance:
12 months from date of approval / receipt of fee.
Length of Determination:
Issued upon receipt of all required application materials (normally receipt of malpractice insurance verification is the final step in this registration).
Other Info:
Activity: Acupuncture
Alternative Health Care
Complementary Health Care
License Detail URL:
Graduate Preceptorship and Externship Requirements
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