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Title: Route Permit for High Voltage Transmission Lines
Alternate Title:
Description: Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC)
Subject: Energy
Creation Date: 9/11/2008 2:17:03 PM
Modification Date: 2/4/2025 8:33:34 AM
Agency Name: Public Utilities Commission (PUC), Minnesota
Agency URL:
Agency Description: The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) regulates three service industries in Minnesota, electricity, natural gas, and telephone. It is the commission's responsibility to ensure that vendors of these services provide safe, adequate, and reliable service at fair, reasonable rates.
Agency Phone: 651-296-0406
Agency Fax: 651-297-7073
Agency URL:
Agency Address:
121 7th Place East, Suite 350

St. Paul
MN 55101-2147

Unit Name: Email
Unit URL:
Unit Description:
Unit Phone: Unit Fax: Contact person(s):
Unit URL:
Audience: Hold Application URL:
Renewal URL:
Versa URL:


Energy Facilities Permitting

Power Plant Site Permits & Transmission Line Route Permits

A site permit from the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (Commission) is required to construct a Large electric power generating plant capable of operating at 50 megawatts (MW) or more. A route permit from the Commission is required to construct many large high voltage transmission lines (HVTL).  

Someone interested in developing a HVTL or an electric generating facility must file a route permit or site permit application with the Commission for a proposed project.  

The Commission is required to permit these facilities in an orderly manner compatible with environmental preservation and the efficient use of resources by choosing locations that minimize adverse impacts on humans and the environment, while insuring electric power system reliability and integrity. 

There are five methods used for the review of applications for site and route permit applications and guidance for allowing for local units of government to make certain siting and routing permit decisions. 






Rules: 7850

Statutes: 216E


No specific form. Application requirements are described in Minn. Rules 7850


Necessary and reasonable costs incurred in acting on the permit application and carrying out the statutory requirements.

Period of Issuance:

Indefinite; the life of the high-voltage line.

Length of Determination:
Permit must be issued within one year of accepting the application, with a possible 90 day extension for just cause.

Other Info:
Activity: High Voltage Transmission Lines
License Detail URL:

Power Plant Site Permits & Transmission Line Route Permits

Energy Facilities Permitting

Public Utilities Commission (PUC), Minnesota


MN Public Utilities Commission (PUC)


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