The Board is responsible for regulating the practice of dietetics and nutrition practice in the State of Minnesota. The complaint resolution process established for the medical licensing boards under the provisions of MN Statutes, Chapter 214 is a quasi-judicial process similar to that used by a court of law. To discipline a licensee or issue a Cease and Desist Order to an unlicensed entity, the Board needs to establish by a preponderance of the evidence that the conduct of the licensee, or unlicensed entity, met one or more of the conditions in MN Statutes, Chapter 148.629 or 148.630.
When the Board receives a complaint, the first step of the review is to determine whether the alleged misconduct or mistreatment falls within the legal authority of the Board. When complaints filed with the Board fall within its legal authority, Board staff gathers more information about the complaint with advice, legal counsel and investigative assistance from the Attorney Generals Office. The person against whom the complaint was filed is notified of the complaint, in order to seek their explanation and request applicable medical records for the Complaint Resolution Committee (CRC) review process. The amount of time required to review a complaint depends upon the kind of investigation that is required. When the investigative process is completed, the CRC carefully examines the evidence and makes a decision as to whether or not there is a preponderance of evidence that the conduct constituted a violation of a statute or rule enforced by the Board. Appropriate disciplinary action is taken when it is determined a violation of a statute or rule law enforced by the Board has occurred. When it is determined there was no violation of a law or regulation, the complaint file is closed. The complaint is retained in the Boards non-public file and will be reviewed again should the Board receive additional complaints against the entity. All investigation material is confidential by law. Public Board Actions, that have resulted in disciplinary action taken against a licensee, can be located on the website - click on Board Action tab in the right hand menu.
Contact the Board for a complaint form.
Contact the Board office if you have additional questions regarding the complaint or disciplinary process.