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Health Professional Services Program

Minnesota's Health Professional Services Program protects the public by providing monitoring services to regulated health care professionals whose illnesses may impact their ability to practice safely. The goals of HPSP are to promote early intervention, diagnosis and treatment for health professionals with illnesses, and to provide monitoring services as an alternative to Board discipline.

The program is authorized by 214.28 DIVERSION PROGRAM. A health-related licensing board may establish performance criteria and contract for a diversion program for regulated professionals for regulated professionals who are unable to practice with reasonable skill and safety by reason of illness, use of alcohol, drugs, chemicals, or any other materials, or as a result of any mental, physical, or psychological condition.


Minn. Statutes 214.33 REPORTING  and Minn. Statutes 150A.13 REPORTING OBLIGATIONS

Subdivision 1. Permission to report. 

  •         A person who has personal knowledge that a regulated person has the inability to practice with reasonable skill and safety
  •         Due to physical, mental, psychological

A report to the HPSP program under this subdivision fulfills the reporting requirement contained in a regulated person's practice act.  For regulated professions served by the program please see current list.

How do individuals get connected to HPSP?

  • Around 50% are self-referred
  • Treatment Centers
  • Employers
  • Dentists Concerned for Dentists
  • Friends/Family Members
  • Board Discipline
  • Board Confidential Referral

For more information on the program, please visit HPSP or check out the Video Overview of the Program today! 

Professional Support Groups 

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