AT Glossary
To help you navigate this site, you may want to reference the list of assistive technology terms and state agency acronyms below. Additional terms can be found from the Center on Technology and Disability Assistive Technology Glossary.
- ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act
- Admin - Minnesota Department of Administration
- AIM - Accessible Instructional Materials
- APS - Accessible Pedestrian Signals
- AT - Assistive Technology
- AT Act - Assistive Technology Act of 1998, as amended in 2004
- ATAP - Association of Assistive Technology Act Program
- ATIA - Assistive Technology Industry Association
- CAC - Community Alternative Care Waiver
- CADI - Community Access for Disability Inclusion
- CAG - Closing the Gap
- DCD - Developmental Cognition Disabilities
- DD - Developmental Disabilities
- DEED - Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development
- DHS - Minnesota Department of Human Services
- DME - Durable Medical Equipment
- DOC - Minnesota Department of Corrections
- DOJ - U.S. Department of Justice
- FAPE - Free Appropriate Public Education
- HCBS - Home and Community-Based Services
- ICDR - Interagency Committee on Disability Research
- IDEA - Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
- IEP - Individualized Education Program
- IEP Team - Group of people, including parent(s), teachers, and therapists, responsible for developing the IEP.
- IFSP - Individualized Family Service Plan
- IIIP - Individualized Interagency Intervention Plan
- IPS - Individual Placement and Supports
- JAN - Job Accommodation Network
- MA - Medical Assistance
- MA-EPD - Medical Assistance for Employed Persons with Disabilities
- MCF - Minnesota Correctional Facility
- MDE - Minnesota Department of Education
- MDH - Minnesota Department of Health
- MDHR - Minnesota Department of Human Rights
- MHCP - Minnesota Health Care Programs
- MHFA - Minnesota Housing Finance Agency
- MMB - Minnesota Management and Budget
- MnDOT - Minnesota Department of Transportation
- MNSCU - Minnesota State Colleges and Universities
- MSA - Minnesota Supplemental Aid
- MSH - Minnesota Security Hospital
- MSHS - Minnesota Specialty Health System
- NCI - National Core Indicators
- NIMAS - National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard
- NIMAC - National Instructional Materials Access Center
- OIO - Olmstead Implementation Office
- OSEP - U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs
- PBIS - Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
- SAM - Self-Advocates Minnesota
- SFY - State Fiscal Year
- SSB - State Services for the Blind
- STAR - System of Technology to Achieve Results, Minnesota's federal AT program and a program of the Minnesota Department of Administration
- STARTE - STAR Technology Exchange, an online AT device exchange, for reusing assistive technology, hosted by the Minnesota STAR Program
- TBI - Tramautic Brain Injury
- TED - Telephone Equipment Distribution
- UD - Universal Design
- UDL - Universal Design for Living
- VR - Vocational Rehabilitation
- VRS - Vocational Rehabilitation Services
- WIOA - Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act