How to Use This Site
This site is organized into three main sections:
- Learning - This section is for college students and anyone else who needs assistive technology in a higher education setting.
- Working - This section is for those who need assistive technology on the job, either in their duties as an employee or when applying for a job.
- Living - This section is for those who need assistive technology in their home or community.
Beyond these three main sections, the site provides more information in these secondary sections:
- Funding Strategies - This section provides possible funding sources that might help you purchase assistive technology devices and services.
- Additional Resources - This section compiles a series of assistive technology resources, across all contexts and circumstances.
- About this Site - This section will help you learn more about the purpose of this site and the organizations responsible for maintaining it.
Other useful links are listed in the footer.
If you have questions, concerns, or need additional help, please contact:
Minnesota STAR Program
358 Centennial Office Building
658 Cedar Street
St. Paul, MN 55155
The content of this site is educational in nature. It should not be assumed that the identification of any product, individual, or organization implies endorsement by the State of Minnesota or its agencies.