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Step 7: Complete and submit the required paperwork

The case manager, durable medical equipment (DME) dealer or advocate will typically complete all the required paperwork. It is important, however, for you to coordinate this activity with the funding source and to remain closely involved.

You will want to understand exactly what is needed prior to submitting the request. Try to include all the paperwork upon first request. But don’t be surprised if the individual funding sources require you to resubmit with changes, particularly on expensive items. Always keep copies of all your paperwork.

Including the right information is essential. Typically the following information should be included and submitted. Using a Funding Worksheet will help you gather the information you need to complete this step.

Information to include on the worksheet:

Your personal information

  • Full name
  • Date of birth
  • Mailing address
  • Phone numbers
  • E-mail address
  • Directions on how to contact you
  • Disability
  • Medical diagnosis
  • Income Level
  • Private Insurance coverage
  • Family physician and health care providers
  • Photo
Optional information, if relevant:
  • Education status and highest grade level reached
  • Special education services required
  • Employment status
  • Family status, including parents and children

Public Services that you have used, such as:

  • Medicaid
  • Medicare
  • Local school district
  • Social services
  • Rehabilitation services

Assistive technology recommendations:

  • Why a particular device is needed
  • How the device was selected, including professional assessment and device trials
  • How the device will improve, increase, or maintain the ability to function
  • Name, manufacturer, and cost of the device

If the request for assistive technology has met all the necessary criteria and you have submitted all of the necessary paperwork, you can now wait for the decision of approval or denial with reasons.

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