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Rulemaking Projects

Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 14.366 (2012) requires each agency to maintain a current, public rulemaking docket. This section contains a list of pending rulemakings under consideration. The status of each rulemaking will be updated as we proceed through the rulemaking process. 

In the Matter of a Rulemaking to Amend the Definition of “Capacity” in Minn. R. 7835.0100, subp. 4

Docket No. E-999/R-25-86

PUC Contact:  Kate Kahlert

Phone: 651-201-2239

Subject matter of the proposed rule : Amendment to definition of “capacity” under Minn. R. 7835.0100, subpart 4.

Citation to all published notices relating to the proceeding: Not yet available.

Where written comments on the proposed rule may be inspected: Not yet available.

The time during which written comments may be made: Not yet available.

The names of persons who have made written requests for a public hearing, where those requests may be inspected, and where and when the hearing will be held: Not yet available.

The current status of the proposed rule: Ongoing

Any known timetable for agency decisions or other action in this proceeding: Not yet available

The date of the rules adoption: Not yet available

The date the rule was filed with the secretary of state: Not yet available

When the rule will become effective: Not yet available

In the Matter of a Rulemaking to Amend Pipeline Definitions in Minnesota Rules, Chapter 7852, to Conform with Statutory Changes, Docket  No. PL-999/R-23-364

This rulemaking was completed in 2024.  The rulemaking record is here.














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