Xcel, Minnesota Power, and Otter Tail Power all have what are known as “green pricing” rates, where customers of the utility may voluntarily subscribe to additional renewable energy. Some utilities also have community solar gardens, or programs where the cost of rooftop solar can be cushioned. The Commission regulates many of these programs by reviewing rates and verifying the renewable energy that has been obtained for these programs. Cooperative and municipal utilities around the state may offer their own programs; contact them directly for information.
For information on programs offered through the Conservation Improvement Program, you may wish to visit the Department of Commerce’s website here
Electric IOUs also have voluntary time varying rates. If you are a customer interested in time varying rates, contact your utility to find out more information and sign up.
Legislation passed in 2013, Minn. Stat. § 216B.164, subd. 10(e), required the Commission to adopt a Value of Solar rate, working in coordination with the Department of Commerce. The rate was voluntary and to date no electric utility has voluntarily adopted it; however, state law requires Xcel’s CSG program to use the rate. Please see the Xcel CSG section of this webpage for more information on how that rate was adopted in the program.
Value of Solar | 14-65, see Commission Order from April 2014 |
Xcel CSG | 13-867 |