Laws of Minnesota is an annual compilation and is often referred to as the "session laws." It contains all the acts of the Legislature as passed in each year's legislative session. Laws of a permanent nature are subsequently incorporated into Minnesota Statutes; those are coded laws. Laws of Minnesota also includes uncoded laws, including appropriations, proposed constitutional amendments, local laws, and effective date sections.
The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) regulates three cornerstone service industries in Minnesota's economy, i.e., electricity, natural gas and telephone.
The PUC's mission is to create and maintain a regulatory environment that ensures safe, reliable and efficient utility services at fair and reasonable rates Minnesota Statutes. | 216A - 216B - 216E - 216F - 216G - 216-217 - 237
The administrative rules are adopted by the Public Utilities Commission to make the law it enforces and/or administers more specific or to govern the agency's organization or procedures.
All Relevant Rules, Statutes and Laws can be found on the Office of the Revisor of Statutes website.